Queen Jashoda | The Player

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"May I come in ma'am?"

"Please do, Lekha."

"Maam I am afraid I have news that is really bad."


"Jai Vardhan Sa knows."

"About what?"

"About the curse of the tower."

"What do you mean?"

"You are not the Queen we had. You are someone else."

"Where's the 'your majesty' darling? Did you forget your manners in bed?"

"You are not the Queen. We know."

"The person who sits on the throne is the queen or the king. I am sitting on the throne, and so I am the Queen, end of story."

"So you are not denying it. It means the curse is true!"

The Queen starkly looked at Lekha, eye to eye, soul to soul. She locked Lekha, in an unblinking stare. Her cold gaze was enough to remind Leha about the punishments inflicted on the jailers. The harsh punishment, the lashes on the back, the burning coils placed on the body, it was too dark in the jails of Jaiselmer.

"Again darling last reminder, don't ever forget the "your majesty"."

"I am sorry, your majesty." Lekha spat out.

"How many know about this?"

"Me, Jai Vardhan Sa, and Vikram."

"And who told you might I ask? Jai won't. I know that. He knows you are my intel now. Then who did? hmm? Vikram doesn't know you too well now does he? He doesn't like Devdasis."

Small beads of sweat glistened on Lekha's skin. The queen's gaze increased its intensity second by second.

"Darling I have faith in you. But don't test my patience. Figure out whose side you are on."

She stood up and came face to face with Lekha, well actually neck to face with Lekha. She was taller than most of the women of the palace. Her eyes scanned Leha from above. Her lips were tight, nose high as always, but her gaze was cold still. It bore into Lekha as if reading her mind.

"Lest you know the consequences."

Leka shuddered under her cold command.

"Yes, you're majesty." Lekha walked backward and ran out of the chamber.




Jai Vardhan stood on the balcony with Jash Vardhan.

"Can you believe it? I knew something was wrong all along. It wasn't her at all!"

"Jai are you alright? How does anything like that happen?! I dont believe this. You know how Vikrama Sir is. He wants her off the throne."

"So do I Brother. And so did you. When did you switch sides?!"

"Look, the way I see it, as long as she is on the throne, the people have been happy. The trade has been better. Everything has been better. Do you even know where Jaiseler stands now in the politics of Rajasthan? Next to Amber. Amber! Just a little more and we will on top. More than the throne, I want peace. And the peace is here. Ironic how a rebel like her on the throne brings peace to the land."

"Bull shit."

"You believe what you want. I am with her. She is our mother."

"Is she? It's someone else don't you see?!!"

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