Chapter 70

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They walked over to the professors and nearly instantly, she was forced to have some photo's taken for nearly everyone she knew.
And of course, Herself.

She sighed as she was finally given time to sit down. That was however interupted by Snape walking over to her.

"If you don't mind, Rosealine. Will you take this dance with me?" Snape asked, offering his hand. She smiled and nodded, taking hold of his hand as he guided her over to the floor.
Everyone was somewhat staring, gasping. Afterall, a teenage girl, the most popular in the school, was about to dance with the most hated Professor.

Getting into position, Rose and Snape had a nice dance. Snape soon however walked her back to Fred. He then left to return back to the Professors.

"How about we go down to the lake for a walk?" Fred asked her.
"Of course, Fred. I will gladly go on a walk with you." She smiled.

They headed down to the lake, walking slowly. Fred, watching to ensure she didn't fall due to her dress or heels.

They soon got up to Freds dorm, which was empty due to everyone still at the dance. Fred instantly pushed her on the bed, his hand going up her skirt as he kissed her deeply.

"Should we do this Fred? What if they walk in?" Rose asked as Fred kissed her neck.
"Trust me. They'll be gone a while." Fred told her.
Rose gasped as she felt his finger pressing against her. Her legs couldn't help but widen further.
"Good girl." Fred smiled.

(We all know what they did that night)

The next morning, Fred and Rose were woke up to George glaring at them, cross armed.

"It's time to wake up." George told them.
"We noticed." Fred stated, his hand under her breasts, covered by the blanket.
"Then get yourselves up and out of bed." George rolled his eyes.
"Your going to need to leave for us to do that. I don't mind you seeing me but you aint seeing Rose." Fred complained.
Instantly George blushed, rushing out of the door so Fred and Rose could get out of bed and get dressed into their school robes.

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