Chapter 84

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Around a month later, she tested positive on her Pregnancy test.
She sat the twins down, ready to tell them.

"I'm pregnant." She smiled.
"You'll rest this time then?" Fred asked.
"I'll inform Mum." George spoke, walking out.

Rose was 5 months pregnant when Voldemort attacked. She kissed Fred and then the foreheads of the family.
She was being checked out by Poppy later though, telling her the baby was fine. However her heart dropped, seeing Fred dead on the ground. He had been killed by the killing curse.

Thankfully however, despite looking dead,he wasn't. He was recovering.
This was the same for Remus, Tonks and Fred who also would be dead now if she hadn't done as she did.
Thankfully, Severus was already sorted and resting.

When Voldemort returned with Harry dead in Hagrids arms, she didn't worry. He was fine.

"Pregnant, lady Potter?" Voldemort asked.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Change sides if you wish to keep it." Voldemort spat.
"Not a chance." She smirked.

Harry began fighting after Draco threw his wand to him.
Draco then rushed to her side, helping her inside to safety. Draco remained with her, protecting her and the baby from harm until the announcement of Voldemorts death.

Three months later she gave birth to a happy and healthy baby boy. His name was Severus Arthur Potter-Black.
Godmother was Hermione
Godfather was Draco.

They oved into the Potter Manor and three years later, they had a full term, healthy baby girl, full name, Lily Minerva Potter-Weasley
Godmother Luna
Godfather Ron

Harry broke up with Ginny in the end, and then married Hermione.
Ginny ended up with an Irish Lad who played Quiditch like her for a job.
Ron ended up marrying a girl he had met in first year.

And finally... The family was in peace.

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