Chapter 82

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She was suddenly grabbed by Remus.
"WHAT?!" She yelled.
"We were told not to get you into any stupid danger, that is stupid danger." Sirius explained.
"Says you, who nearly got killed." She stressed.

She kept explaining how she was worried for her breather, even when the Death Eaters were taken.
Severus appeared, helping her drink the calming draught.
Remus gently helped her sit on the floor.

She rubbed her forehead. Having been gifted permission not to return back to Hogwarts.

Fred and George left school also. So she looked for a place they could move into. It was a shop in Diagon Alley. Which she bought and then started to decorate.

Rose sat with Sirius, packing her stuff. Along with that at Snape's chambers.
Molly had been crying that the twins were moving out.

She explained to Fred and George that they were moving out, so they could live in the shop for their joke shop.
The twins were overjoyed.

They looked around the place and the twins seemed fine with it.

The benefit was that Fred and Rose had some privacy. Therefore, they could try to reproduce without accidently ruining the quiet tie that George had.

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