Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

The schedule for the next day was arranged early.

The three people decided the day's transportation by drawing lots. Since Ji Yunqi is the one who decides the destination of this trip, he still started the blind selection this time.

After a night of adjusting his mentality, Ji Yunqi was gearing up and waiting for his shame, "Come on! It's impossible for people to fall to the same place!"

...It's strange.

There is no doubt that 'bad' luck has come again.

From small cars, to small electric donkeys, and then to bicycles, no matter what, they are all considered light and convenient, but Ji Yunqi avoided these options and won the lottery - a bull cart.


Looking at the naive old cow in front of them, and the cart covered with straw piles behind it, there is a strong aroma from nature.

It's confirmed.

This is definitely Metamorphosis.

Ji Li and Yuan Jifei had given up the hope for their friend's bad hands. They looked at each other and sat down one after another as if resigned to their fate.

Ji Yunqi stood in front of the cow without moving, trying to build up his mind.

In fact, he is a little bit obsessed with cleanliness, and he is really not used to the traffic sitting behind the animal's butt like this.

One person and one cow stand against each other.

The cow obviously thought that Ji Yunqi, who refused to give way, was provocative, and stomped his hoof on the spot, "Moo!"

Ji Yunqi was startled, and immediately jumped into the car, "It's so dangerous, so dangerous."

The camera clearly captured his embarrassment. While recording it, Ji Yunqi's exclusive director almost laughed out loud.

The key character of this issue of Metamorphosis, the third young master of this season is doing his part.

The bull cart was driving on the small road, with beautiful scenery on both sides. After jumping over a small hill, they arrived at the first destination of this trip - Qianhu Village.

This place was originally a gathering place of ethnic minorities, and their ancestors have lived in the depths of the mountains for generations.

The wooden village houses built on the mountain are very distinctive, and they were once used as the filming location of the anti-drug movie "Drug Village".

The film won the International Best Film Award, and Qianhu Village has become one of the world's top 100 humanistic classics.

Because of this kind of selection, Qianhu Village was once lively for a while, but after a flash in the pan, it returned to its former tranquility.

Because of inconvenient transportation and few modern facilities, it is not the best choice for fast-paced tourism.

When the three of them saw this place, their eyes lit up instantly.

When "Special Operations" was in the training camp, they watched the movie "Village of Poison" together, and even one of the scenes built in the movie was a recreated Thousand Household Village.

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