chapter 8

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Time skip to monday:

Angelina's pov:

It's monday which means another five days with horny unhygienic teen's. The weekend was nice tho, me and Em went hiking, talked about life and it was great! However there is this little part of me that wants to push her away for the best, but last time it only hurt her more and I hate seeing her like that.

I walked in my classroom and got ready for lessons while students started bursting in, chatting filled the room.

"Good morning, everyone! Let's start." I said loudly over the chatting. Everyone went quiet and i started teaching.


The last lesson of the day and i'm excited to see Em. I was sitting behind my desk and doing some work on computer while students started to come in. I turned my head and saw Em walking in, but something wasn't right. She didn't even look up from the floor, she just went to the furthest desk in the corner of the classroom and sat down not taking any books or anything out of her bag.

"Okay class, open page 78." i said loudly.

Em didn't move, she just sat there with her head on the desk. I was getting worried about her.

"Miss William's, would you please read the first sentence?" I asked her although i knew she wasn't paying any attention.

Em raised her head and i saw her eyes for the first time today. They were pretty red and she looked really tired. Worry took over me and i felt my face change to concerned expressions.

"I- I-" Em couldn't make up any words and it looked like she would break any second now.

"I'm sorry." Was all she said and ran out of the class leaving everything behind except her phone.

I just stood there, not sure of what just happened. For a few seconds there was loud silence in the room and everyone looked at me confused.

"On page 80 there will be a group job, when you finish it hand it over and you are free to go." I said sitting down behind my desk.

Chattering filled the room again and everyone started working.

I looked over at the Em's empty seat and thoughts filled my head.

*Is she alright, where did she ran, should i text her? Yes, im gonna text her.*


A: What's going on? Are you alright?

A: Where are you, you left your bag.

20 minutes later and she still haven't responded. I saw that she took her phone with her, so i knew for a fact that she has seen my messages.

The bell rang and the rest of the student handed over their work. The classroom was empty, it was just me.  Em needs to come back to get her things, so i decided to wait for her and start grading today's paper.

After about another 20 minutes i heard the door slowly open. I turned my head and saw Em, she had definitely been crying, her eyes were red and puffy, and now that i could take a better look at her i saw the dark circles under her eyes.

"Em..." I breathed out and followed her with my eyes as she walked to her seat and took her bag.

She walked closer to my desk and I stood up. I couldn't handle it anymore. I ran up to her and hugged her really tightly, she hugged me back right away with the same passion.

"Where were you? I was so worried about you, what's going on Em." I whispered.

She pulled back and looked at the floor.

I took her chin so she would look at me and i saw her eyes watering.

"Emily, please talk to me." I said.

She took a deep breath and looked at me.

"My dad- well... he was an alcoholic and abused  me and my mom when we still lived together. But finally after 10 years my mom stood up for us and we left. We went to the police after and she told them everything. They put my dad in prison and i thought i was finally free from him, and that i would never see him again...but i was wrong. My mom told me yesterday that he had been released. Now all the fear is back, im scared that he is going to come looking for us and do something bad. All the past trauma is coming back and i cant sleep anymore, I don't feel safe. Ann, i don't know what to do im stuck I-" She broke down again.

"Shhhh. Em, its okay. Im here no one is going to hurt you. Shhh, its okay." I hugged her and I could feel my eyes starting to water too, but i needed to be strong for her.

*Everything that she's been trough, i can't believe that people like that exist.*

I held her tightly not daring to let go while she cried her pain away. I just wish i could take her pain so she wouldn't need to go trough all this.

After a few minutes she calmed down and looked at me.

"Thank you! You truly are my guardian angel." She smiled with watery red eyes.

I felt my cheeks blush so i pulled her in another hug.

"I'm going to drive you home." I said.

"I don't want to be a burden to you." She looked away.

"Em, you will never be a burden to me and if i didn't mean it I wouldn't  even offer it. I want to do this for you." I said putting my hand on her cheek.

She looked at me blushing a little and smiled.


We went to my car, we didn't worry about people because it has been some time after lessons ended so there wasn't really anyone around.

We climbed in and i started the car. Em looked out the window and i could see her zoning out.

I put my hand on her knee to comfort her.

"He's not coming for you, don't worry. And im always here to protect you." 

She turned her head and looked down at my hand still on her knee and then back to me. I quickly took off my hand and looked at the road.

"No, don't." She took my hand and placed it back.

"It makes me feel safe." She smiled and turned her head back looking out the window.

I didn't say anything, i just smirked to myself with pinkish cheeks driving off.

After 5 minutes i was parked in front of her house.

"You live in a beautiful house." I said looking at her.

"Thanks, yes i really love it." She answered smiling.

Our eyes locked and we just stared at each other. I saw her eyes move to my lips and then back to my eyes. I felt tingles run trough my whole body, she was so close. One move and i would finally be able to feel her lips...

To be continued.......

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