chapter 10

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The next day:

Em's pov:

I woke up, looked around the room and realised that I slept over at Angelina's last night.


*Im even wearing her shirt!!!*

I walked out of my room to the kitchen with my hand on my forehead. The bright sun out really doesn't help my hungover.

"Good morning, how are you feeling today?" I heard Ann's voice ask when i stumbled in the kitchen.

"Like i could really use some aspirin right now." I said getting some water.

"Well someone really partied at the club last night." Ann handed me the pill's.

I drunk some water and jumped on the countertop.

"Do you want breakfast?" She asked looking trough the fridge.

"Yes, thank you." I answered letting my eyes check out her body and then fall to her ass.

*I think im going to faint, she is so hot!*

She turned around from the fridge with eggs and bacon in her hands. I quickly turned my gaze elsewhere so she wouldn't notice.


After she made us breakfast, we ate it. She was an excellent cook.

I put on my yesterday's clothes and she drove me home. There we were again, parked in front of my house.

"Thank you Ann, really. You helped me a lot." I said looking at her.

She looked at me deep in my eyes. "Always."

There was something about Angelina's eyes. I could stare at them forever.

I felt myself moving closer and dropping my sight to her perfectly shaped lips and back at her eyes. I want to kiss her so bad. She is so perfect.

That's it, i couldn't handle it anymore. I slowly moved closer, there was just an inch between us...

I finally filled the gap and felt our lips brush against each other. Ann's lips were so soft and perfect. It felt like i was in heaven, everything around us disappeared and it was just the two of us. The kiss was so sweet and inocente.

After a few seconds Ann pulled back and didn't dare to look at me.

"You should go." She said coldly.

"What?" I was so confused.

"Emily, you need to go. This is so wrong. You're my fucking student, i could lose my job!" She almost yelled.

"But no one needs to know and this is my last year of high school anyways." I tried to pursue her.

"There is nothing to know. This was a stupid mistake and it was wrong for you to sleep over in the first place." Ann answered.


"We should stop meeting outside school. It's inappropriate. From now on im your teacher and teacher only!" She said strictly.

"Wow." Was all i said. I quickly jumped out of the car and slammed the door behind me. I walked away not looking back.

*I can't believe she said that. Over all she kissed me back too and its not like she didn't offer me to spend the night at her house.*

*I get that it probably wasn't right for me to kiss her without her consent, but still.*

I was in my room bawling my eyes out. My face was red and my head was hurting from all the crying. My head was full of different emotions, I was sad, confused, angry, I felt alone, and most of all disappointed. I was disappointed of mmysel, how I couldn't control my feelings, if I haven't done it me and Ann would be still friends, and she would be here with me.

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