chapter 11

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"What's wrong? Why are you so angry at me? I know it wasn't because I said one word too loud so what is it?" I finally said.

I watched as Ann sighed and closed her eyes. After a moment she slowly turned her head from the computer, but refused to look me in the eyes.

Few seconds of silence.

"What, Ann, what is it?" I whined.

"Okay Emily, I'm sorry about today. I don't know why, but a wave of anger came over me when I saw you with that girl. It really wasn't professional of me to give you detention because of that." She sighed.

"I suppose you are free to go and I'm sorry about this." Ann said and start typing on her computer once again.

"Oh god. Ann, I don't need you to apologize, I just need you to talk to me. Why were you so cold towards me on Saturday and today?" I breathed out.

"Its miss Thompson for you! As I said we need to be professional and anything we did before we won't be doing again. What happened Saturday was wrong on so many different levels, if someone would find out I would be fired in seconds. I can't let it happen, so please understand me when I say we need to be professional. Nothing other then student and teacher." Ann hissed.

"But, I really don't want to lose you... "

Ann placed her head in her palms. "Emily, please don't make this any harder than it already is."

"You have to understand me. It's better for us." She whispered.

After a minute of silence I realized I won't win her over, at least not today. So I picked up my bag and walked out. None of us saying another word.

I slowly walked through the deserted hallway and outside to the bus stop. I took out my pack of cigarettes and smoked one while waiting for the bus to arrive.

Finally after 10 minutes it arrived, I stepped in, paid and sat by the window.

I watched as many different houses flew by, people walked along the sidewalk with their dogs, kids ran around the lawns and different kinds of cars drew next to us.

Finally I saw the little cafe.

*cozy dream.* I smiled to myself.

I got off the bus and started walking towards it. I opened the door and the little bell rang.

"Ah, Em!" Daniel exclaimed going around the counter to hug me.

"Hey Dan, good to see you." I said while hugging him.

We broke the hug and I placed my things down, and put on my apron. I looked around and noticed that there were only a few people in the cafe which meant that today won't be busy and I won't get all stressed.

"So, how was your day so far?" Dan asked from the kitchen as I swept the floor.

"You know, nothing special. How about you?" I replied.

"Same for me, a lot of school work." He whined.

"Mhh." Was my only response since I didn't feel like making any more of this conversation.

After about 3 hours I was sitting outside, behind the cafe, smoking, the cold fall breeze was hitting my face so lightly that I barely felt it, and the only source of light was the beautiful pink sunset that was already slowly disappearing behind the horizon.

I was snapped back to reality when from no where spoke Daniel. "Can you spare me on?" I looked at him pointing at the cigarettes.

"How did you come out so quietly?" I asked handing him the pack.

Miss Thompson. (TeacherxStudent) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora