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**Trigger warning: mention of domestic violence and abuse in this chapter, be advised**

"My Lord."

The Guard nodded at me and stepped to one side, allowing me through. I pulled the sleeve of my robe down over my clanmark as I walked past the Guardtower, inclining my head at the group of Guard, all of whom I knew well. 

"We haven't seen you for weeks." One of them approached me with a friendly smile, holding out a flask. 

I took the flask from him and raised it to my mouth, taking a long drink, welcoming the taste of the sweet fruit wine, savouring its fresh coolness.

"Thanks." I returned the flask to the Guard. 

"Long journey?" His eyes flicked over me in concern. I smiled wearily. That's one way of putting it. 

"I'll be fine after a bathe and some food." 

"You know the way home." He clapped me on the arm lightly, smiling. I nodded at him and then turned to take the path towards Clanholding. I paid the barest of attention to the route, I knew Pendagron so well that I could walk it blindfolded. Which was a boon at a time like this - I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was cleanse, find a chamber and a bed and collapse. 

Knowing that he was in those forests, so close, had spurred me on like nothing else could have. I had to put as much distance as I could between us. And so I had been on the go since that night, staying on the move, setting a punishing pace and making it back to our Clanlands in record time. I'd barely slept or eaten, and I'd been running on pure adrenalin. Now I was feeling the effects of that and the tiredness had set in. 

The familiar sight of Clanholding was welcome to my eyes as I trudged past the Guard, through the grounds and towards Healer's. I greeted no-one, stopping only to grab a fresh set of robes from a housestaff before heading to one of the many private bathing chambers, where I spent a long time under the scented waters, washing away the remnants of the journey and trying not to think. 

"...I'll do what I have to do, Lio. I won't lose you."

I turned the water off, reaching for the dry cloths and towelling myself dry vigorously. 

I'd always sensed the hunter in him, the quiet predator, watching, tracking its prey. For all his gentleness, his empathy and understanding, I knew he had that other side to him and some instinct in me had known not to provoke it. 

Yet he had sensed something, that night.

And those words had been a warning.  

He would come after me if I tried to run.

I slipped on my robe, wrapping it carefully around me and tying the knot extra firmly, before picking up my scarf and putting it around my neck. As I did so, my fingers brushed against the ridges of my matemark and I stilled for a moment. This was what would always lead him to me, I thought, as my fingers lingered on the raised skin. This was the beacon that would always find me. There was no hiding from him as long as I had our matemark. 

It was a problem. Especially given the decision I'd made. But I thought I'd found a way around it. Or rather, I knew someone who had found a way around it. 

In the history of the Clans, only one person had managed to successfully hide from their mate.

I had to talk to Ri. 

But that would have to wait till I was back in Clanholme. For now, I was looking forward to finding a quiet bed somewhere. Guard's was always noisy, so I was heading for a corner of Healer's I knew well, thanks to Ri, who had been Healer here in Pendragon before she'd become Cai.

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