Loose Position

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It started with Iola.

She was waiting for me in my chambers when I returned later that night. 

"You look like hell." She said, her gaze sharp on my face.

"Always a great opener, my Lord." I remarked, smiling at her tiredly as I closed the door.

"Years of practice." She said, pouring out a mug of tea and holding it out to me. "I take it the suppressant is finally wearing off?"

That and other things.

I nodded, massaging my neck to ease the tension in it. I'd been feeling increasingly edgy and unwell all evening, a fact that he had noticed, and when I'd plead tiredness, he had let me leave early without protest, although I could feel his ocean eyes on my back as I walked away from him.

"It's taken long enough." Iola frowned at me. "I thought these things lasted only a few days."

"I had to increase the dosage because of the duration of our trip." I drank from my mug, wishing it was something stronger. 

It was never pleasant going through this, but this time seemed to be particularly bad. My senses were charged, running at speed, making every sensation more intense and vivid, which meant a constant bombardment of scents, colours and sound, with my skin reacting to even the slightest change in the environment. I'd been warned about it, though, and about the fact that it might take a while to work its way out of my system, given the strength of the dosage.

And then, of-course, there were the events of the past day. 

Steamrollered was putting it mildly. 

I just wanted to go to bed, but duty came first, so I dredged up the last vestiges of my energies and tried to focus on Iola.

"Perhaps you should see a Healer?" Iola asked, concern evident in her voice and expression. I smiled wearily, shaking my head.

"Not without some awkward questions."

"I suppose you're right." She said, still frowning at me.

"I'll be fine. I'll drop by the town Herbalist in the morning. Has something happened?" I asked, changing tack deliberately. She looked at me for a moment longer, then sighed. 

"There's been some movement you need to know about."

I narrowed my gaze at her tone. She turned and sat in one of the chairs, gesturing at me to join her. 

"We'll be staying another week or two."

I stared at her.

"What? Why?"

"A few things have come up and they're proving a little tricky to navigate. Clans butting heads." She sighed. "The rest of us are trying to keep them from starting a War. We felt it best to extend the Congress so we can mediate this, before it gets out of hand."

"I see." I sat back in my chair. "What do you need me to do?"

"For now, nothing. But the next few days might be a little..sensitive. Keep your eyes and ears open, stay low and watch your back."

I raised an eyebrow at her. She smiled faintly and then her expression grew serious.

"More than you usually do, Lio. Today the tensions were high." She said briefly. I looked at her carefully, noting the lines of strain and the paleness of her face.

"That bad." I said quietly.

"Let's just say, I'd rather have your withdrawal symptoms." She smiled again. "Shall we switch positions?"

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