Check (2)

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I was running.

I felt the windrush in my hair, adrenalin coursing through me, a feeling of exhilaration as I pushed to full speed, the trees just blurs of colour as I passed them. My senses were heightened, every scent in the forest registering as I moved, the fresh, wet earth, the various wildlings taking hasty cover as I approached, the smell of herbs and flowers. I felt alive in a way I never had, as if the very blood in my veins was connecting to the forest. 

It made me want to fly.

And then I heard him.

Coming in from behind, gaining, his paws making the barest of sounds. I glanced back quickly, catching a glimpse of white amid the trees and then turned my attention forward, focusing hard, pushing with all my strength. Yet I knew he was closing, I could sense he was within range even as I tried to put more distance between us. 

Just then, I felt a firm, furry body slam into my legs hard, taking me to the ground and knocking the wind out of me.

I scrambled to get on my feet, but he had transformed within seconds and had moved to trap my body under his, his hands pinning my wrists as he looked down at me, eyes going from green to ocean and back to green again. I stared up at him, out of breath, my heart rate erratic, and not just because of the run.

"I told you." He said, his voice low and silky soft. "You can't outrun me."

"I can't when you've shifted shape." I protested, my husky voice giving me away. "You don't play fair."

"I didn't say I would play fair." 

"Clan Leaders are supposed to set a good example." I arched an eyebrow at him. "What will your people think?"

"They'll think I'm keeping their Cai on his toes." He looked at me, his gaze intent as it travelled over my face and then fixed on my lips. It felt as if the heat of his body, pressed against mine, had just increased, and suddenly the tension between us was thick and heavy.

"Let me up." I said, wishing I didn't sound so throaty.

"I won. I want my reward first." His grip on my wrists tightened and as he lowered his face, my breath caught. But he didn't kiss me, instead I felt his lips brush the side of my jaw lightly, then travel down to the sensitive skin at the edge of my jaw and neck. As his teeth bit gently down, my body jerked involuntarily under his. He growled softly, moving one leg between mine.


He ignored me, his mouth tracing the line of my neck, over the frantic pulse at my throat, to my collarbone, teeth biting at the skin, marking me deliberately. I felt a sudden coolness as he flicked the folds of my robe open, exposing my chest, and dimly realised that my hands were now free. I tried to pull my robe closed with one hand while trying in vain with the other to stop his hands from any further explorations as they moved lower down my body.

"Stop." I said, as firmly as I could, only it came out sounding breathless instead. "Think of my reputation."

"Think of mine." He murmured, nuzzling at my throat again. "A Clan Leader must show their dominance else the Clanfolk won't respect them."

I shook my head.

"Still incorrigible."

He lifted his head then, so that we were face to face. I felt like I was falling into those ocean eyes.

"Remember what I said?" He asked, his voice very low as he looked down at me.

"What?" I asked, swallowing when I saw the look on his face.

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