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"You good mamas ?" Domo questioned. Jayda has been silent since they left the party. D was fast asleep and they'd been in traffic for what seemed like forever

"I feel bad for ruining a little girls' party." She signed

Her mind was all over the place. She just ruined a kid's party. Her baby daddy is now with her ex-best friend. She needs to move and needs a new car. This was all too much

" you're doing an amazing job raising him, Dominique. I wish he didn't see that at all, but he came to my rescue I pray that I am able to raise my son to be as caring and selfless and you're raising him to be" Jayda said quietly rubbing her stomach

"You'll be a great mom, mamas" Domo encouraged placing a hand on her stomach

"You chilling with us tonight or you wanna go home"

"With y'all, but I need clothes"

"This traffic is crazy, you can just wear my shit." Domo said as he got off the exit

When they all got in the house everybody was way more than tired

"D please, I don't know what you want when you crying " Domo stressed. Dj (Domo jr.) woke up when they were getting out of the car and has been crying since.

Dj hates being woken up. Especially when he was still tired.

Jayda went and warmed up his food. She went and picked him up off the couch and to the table

"Jayda, stop picking him up." Domo told her as she sat Dj down at his food. 

"But look at him! He's just so cute" Jayda cood as Dj began eating his food

"Where is his room D"

"First door on the left" Domo yelled from the living room

Jayda went into the cars-themed room and pulled him some clothes out and ran him a bath

"I ran him a bath in his room and his clothes is already out" Jayda announced as the boys walked into the room

"Ok my room is across the hall you can shower and shit in there"

Domo was the last one to shower and by the time he got out Jayda and Dj were both sleeping in his bed. He slid into the bed next to Jayda and dozed off.


I woke up surrounded by both boys still sleeping around me. As cute and comfortable this was morning sickness ain't a joke

After that,, I go downstairs to cook breakfast for them. I turned my music on and got to work

When I was finishing up D and Dj were walking down the stairs

"Good morning mamas," D said as he walked to the fridge to get water. Dj ran up to her and put his hands up wanted to be picked up

"Good morning to the most handsome 4-year-old in the world," Jayda said, picking Dj up and rubbing his back taking him to his seat at his cars-themed table.

She made the boy's plate and served them before making her plate and sat down on the couch next to D

"You chilling with us today mamas?" Domo asked as she flipped through the channels

"I can't. I have a couple of apartment viewings, a couple of heads to do, and work tonight. So once I clean up I have to leave" Jayda answered chewing. Neither one of them wanted her to leave but she knew that she had to leave.

"How are you going to get around now that your car fucked up" JAyda had honestly forgotten all about her car. She got i towed to Tori's house until she finds a mechanic

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