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"I miss dad." Marcus said, laying in his bed and on his side, facing his sister in the same position as him.

"I do too Sapling, I do too, but you'll get to see him again."

"But--" "Ssssh." She hushed him, passing a hand on his cheek. "I'm your big sister, it's my job to protect you, to die for you, you are going home Marcus, want it or not."

"Without you it will never be the same." He said, unable to fight with her, knowing his sister, when she gets something in her head, it will happen and can't be stopped. She is this raging fire no amount of water can ever put out.

"I know but I'll always be here." She touched his chest, over his heart. "I'll always be here and look over you and dad. I'll always be in the leaves of district 7, I'll be in the sequoias, I'll be there even if you don't see me."

He grabbed her hand, tears pearling in his eyes.

"Oh Marcus." She hugged him. "Be strong, goodbye is not just yet, we still have time together."

"I feel like I already lost you." He muttered against her, she felt patches of wet tears on her T-shirt.

"Ssssh it will be alright." She said, after a while starting to sing the only little song she knew and engraved in her memories, something her mother sang to her, Marcus never met her, not old enough to remember but Paige was, taking a breath.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are grey." She passed her hand in his hair.
"You'll never know, dear how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." She sang softly.
"I'll always love you and make you happy 'cause you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear just how much I love you... Please don't take my sunshine away.... Please don't take my sunshine away..."

She held him in her arms a while longer in silence until she was sure he was sleeping, sliding from his hold and covering up him in his blanket before heading to her room.


Paige found their quarters spacious and her room too big. (to make it simple, all district rooms look like Katnis's did in the movie.... And I haven't seen them in a while so deal with me, this is not even a canon seen year of the games plus even if it was it is not the game I could use because it is meant to be Johanna's originally.)

She was out of that outfit for a while now but still, it was pretty but that's not her, she liked being covered with dirt, splinters in her hands, in the forests of district 7.

It was late, she felt exhausted, like she'd collapse any moment and yet couldn't actually, sleep wouldn't be waiting for her when she had gone to bed after a tense silent dinner of the finest of foods and not when the clock struck midnight.

She sighed, getting out of bed, trying to sleep in only a T-shirt and shorts, making her way out of her room and shuffling past the others room, not wanting to wake anyone much less Johanna and Marcus but for different reasons, Marcus because he needed all the sleep he could get and Johanna because she really didn't want to get in a fight with her so called mentor.

And so she tiptoed out of the room, grabbing the boots she had been wearing when she got here, putting them on outside the room and marching through the empty halls.

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now