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Johanna watched the last transmission of peacekeeper video, smirking greatly.

District 7 reacted the strongest since Johanna was their victor, blowing up almost all of the peacekeeper in there.

"The lumber is scary." Cato said with a cocky chuckle and arms crossed. "I am happy I am on your good side by being a 2."

"I can still kill you 2."

"7's career wouldn't be happy."

"And be happy because that's the only thing that keeps me from putting an axe in your skull."

"Mhm." His smile fell. "How do you think she is."

Johanna couldn't help but think of that day an night.

"I don't know." She said.

"Johanna!" Finnick came in the room the two people were sitting in, it was a storage room as both had stolen food and that was punished if found out. "Come, it's Peeta. He looked worst and now Coin is calling a meeting."

"Well, thanks for sharing but I must be going 2."

"See you later 7."


"Why do you always bring me along?" Johanna complained to Katniss as they were dropped off in 12 again with the film crew.

"Like it or not, we are both faces of this." Katniss said, both women displeased for their own reasons.

"So I wanna start with you in front of the Justice Building, okay? Bang. First shot." Their discussion was cut off. "Johanna you just be in background but visible as you and Katniss work together."

"Nice." She hissed, rolling her eyes.

"Now Katniss, tell us what happened here." The woman asked but Katniss just watched until Gale suddenly spoke up.

"We were all standin' right here.... Watchin' the Games when you fired that arrow." The camera turned to him. "The screens just went dark. Nobody had any idea what happened. Peacekeepers forced us back into our homes. For maybe an hour, the town was just dead quiet. Little past 9 we heard their trucks pullin' out. All of them. Every single Peacekeeper and I knew what that meant. Me and a couple of guys from the mines, we started pulling people from their houses and tried to get 'em to the fence line but a lotta people were scared of the forest.... So they headed up onto the road..... Make a break for it that way.... 915 of us made it to the fence. Then we watched as... Bombers circled back towards the road.... They firebombed them as they ran away. 915 outta 10,000." he punched the ground. "I should've grabbed people. I should've dragged 'em with me..... Some of the kids I could've carried."

Johanna knew what loss felt like but she knew no one would ever be able to feel what this guy felt.

"You save 915." He looked at Johanna. "That's more then 0."

"She is right Gale, you saved so many people. Without you, there would be no District 12.... Not even the memory of it." Katniss said.


They all sat on rocks, listening.

"The real mockingjays." Johanna chuckled, making a little whistle and they echoed.

"You have them in 7?" Katniss asked, for some reason sitting next to her instead of the other.

Johanna had her theories, both of them having people they cared for in the Capitol, Katniss looking for comfort with someone that knew the feeling.

"Only passingly on migration, I've hear Paige whistle to them before."

"I miss them..."

"I do too Everdeen." She looked at her. "Decide who your heart truly love, I've seen you with Gale.... Decide, Peeta or him, because the heart knows and fights for it."

"When did you know you loved Paige?"

"At that start I actually didn't like her at all, cocky little spunky girl volunteer, always fighting with me.... I remained the only one alive that she knew from before, brother lost in the arena, father lost to himself, I guess we just grew to rely on each other and it came from there, I don't know when the decisive moment was but I know that I do love her." She sighed. "And I let Snow take her."

"We all failed them."

"Everdeen, remember what I told you after the jabberjays? How I had nothing to lose out there? It was true, I had nothing out there because the last I had was in there with me.... And I served her up on a platter for him."

"We'll get them out." Katniss said. "We'll get them all out.


As Katniss's song filled up every districts radio waves, everyone but the Capitol was seeing this.

All was fine with watching it until she was in the control room with Katniss and the others.

Peeta looked horrible on screen, hollow and starved, cheeks sticking out as he spoke shakily.

"Tonight." His voice was shaky, Katniss looked horrified while all Johanna could think about was if Paige was getting the same treatment. "We've received reports of derailed trains, of granaries on fire and of a savage attack on the hydroelectric dam in district 5."

"What have they done to you?" Katniss whispered.

"I'm begging for restraint and decency. We interrupt your regularly scheduled horse manure to bring you." The signal glitched with Katniss and her singing coming on screen.

"That's it. That's our footage. Beetee's in." Coin said.

"Katniss?" Peeta shuddered.

"He sees it." Johanna said.

"He sees our propo yes." Coin bounced off her comment.

"K-Katniss, are you there?"

"Peeta." She stepped closer to the screen.

"Katni--" "Peeta, please continue.You were telling us about these savage attacks." Caesar cut him off.

"Yeah. The attack on the dam was a callous and inhuman act of destruction...Think about it. How will this end? What will be left?"

"Damned Capitol." Johanna hissed.

"No one can survive this. No one is safe now. Not here in the Capitol, not in any of the districts." He seemed to freeze up as if he was debating on something. "They played with her Johanna, they asked her things she couldn't know! For fun! And they're coming Katniss! They're gonna kill everyone and in District 13 you'll be DEAD BY MORNING!" The video cut off as Peeta was grabbed by peacekeepers.

Johanna tensed.

"He's warning us. That was a warning." Heymitch said.

"We have to get them out before they kill him." Katniss said in panic.

"Paper." Johanna muttered. "Oh fuck..." 

.Forest Fire (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now