Chapter 6 The Battle

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We landed on the planet five months ago and it was already full of chaos. Me and Master Plo were always the first ones to attack, due to us having the ability to block blaster bolts, with Wolffe and his brothers right behind us. The droids never stopped coming and kept firing at us, if not for me and Anakin's constant sparring with each other and pushing each other, I would have ended with a baster bolt to the head.

After another day of constant fighting, I was going to check on the wounded, but then I heard, "Little one." I turned around and saw Master Plo behind me. I smiled and said, "Yes Master?"

"Can you come with me to discuss something about tomorrow's battle?" I looked at my Master with a questioning look before saying, "Yes, Master." We both walked into one of the tents and I was greeted by Commander Wolffe and some of his other men.

I smiled, seeing that they all survived another day of battle. Wolffe took off his helmet and said, "General, I have rounded everyone else up."

"Thank you, Wolffe." I stood to the right of Master Plo, while Wolffe and the other men gathered around the table. No one said anything, but we all knew that something was off. "You all are wondering why I called you all here... that is because the Separatists have brought Ventress as their back-up."

I lifted my head in shock, sure we were winning and we knew that they would send reinforcements soon, but to send Dooku's apprentice to a battle that was close to defeat was telling that the Separatists have something here they want. "Why would they send someone as deadly as Ventress when we're two weeks away from defeating the droids!" Sinker said with an angry look on his face as he slams his hand down on the table.

Comet comes next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "If they are sending Ventress, then they want something from this planet." I spoke and Master Plo nodded at me

"I agree with you, padawan, but what we do not know." Uneasiness filled the room, and everyone looked worried. We had recently seen Ventresses 'damage from other master's and how she defeated thousands of soldiers on her own, even Master Kenobi and Anakin had trouble with her as well.

I looked over the battle plans and said, "When will she arrive?" Wolffe then said, "She is said to arrive tomorrow at 15:00." I looked at the map and realized that droids are constantly being supplied to a small factory every day.

"What is it padawan?" Master Plo said. I looked at him and said, "Is it strange that droids are constantly being supplied to this factory and not to the main battle?" Everyone looked at where I pointed, and all looked at me with a confused look on their face.

"I have been thinking... what if the main goal is for not the Separatists to win this battle, but to stall." Everyone looked at me, wide eyed, and Admiral Coburn chuckled and said, "Come now that is ridiculous, 'The Separatist stalling to get something' what could they want from this backwater planet?"

"That is the question, Admiral. Whatever they want, they are sending Ventress to make sure that they succeed." Everyone was silent, pondering over my hypothesis, but Admiral Coburn said, "Please, that is ridiculous, now why don't you let the adults handle the battle tactics and go somewhere else."

Master Plo kept a neutral face, but through the force he was not happy with what the Admiral had to say about my hypothesis. The Commander and other men were slowly backing away from the Admiral and he continued to laugh at me. After a couple minutes the Admiral finally got his laughter under control and looked at the clones, who were all near Master Plo and me.

"Why are you all over there?" No one said anything, but I wanted to get back on track while we still had time. "We don't have time for this."

"I agree with my padawan, what do you suggest we do?" I thought for a second and looked at everyone saying, "We send someone to go and investigate what is going on." Everyone nodded at the request and the Admiral said, "Not a bad plan, but who will be going, surely none of the troops will know stealth and General Plo is needed here."

I sighed and said, "I will be going to investigate." Immediately, Master Plo said, "Absolutely Not, it too-"

"Master, you need to be here, and I am the only one that can do stealth missions with clear success." He pondered my response for a while, considering my proposal. "I will be alright, Master. Besides, it is our best bet if I am right or not."

He looked back at the plans and let out a sigh. "Alright my padawan, I will allow you to take this, but you will leave at 06:00 tomorrow. I wish for you to leave and hopefully come back before Ventress arrives." I nodded and said, "Yes Master."

"Then tomorrow, we will stall the battle and see what my padawan finds." Everyone nodded and the Admiral grumbled but agreed as well. Once a plan was in place, I headed to the infirmary to help heal some of the wounds of the men. I talked with some of the men about the plan for tomorrow and they were all nervous for me, but I reassured them that I would be alright.

When the first battle began, I would talk with the men about the battle and give them some sort of closure to the loss of their brothers. I got so close with many of them that they started to call me 'vodika' which is sister in Mando. I knew what it meant and what some of the men were speaking it, thank you Jango for teaching me.

I didn't tell them that I knew Mando due to not having enough time, also that I find it funny that they think their conversations no one can understand, but little do they know I can understand them perfectly.

After healing some of the men and talking with them as well, I headed to my tent that I shared with Master Plo and changed into something more comfortable. I laid out my old Protector outfit, which I remade to fit me along with some new gear as well, and started to look to make sure all of it was in order.

Once I got all my equipment in order, I relaxed on my cot and Lunar laid on my chest, in her much smaller form. I pet her and she relaxed after the long, stressful, day. I hadn't let Lunar out of my soul for a while to relax due to the battle, but at night I had let her stretch out. While being in the soul is not comfortable, Lunar likes to be in her physical form more than spirit.

As Lunar started to drift asleep, I saw Master Plo walk into our tent and sat down on his cot, letting out a sigh. I quietly got up and got Lunar off my chest and laid her down on my cot and got up to sit next to Master Plo.

"Master, I can sense your uneasiness, what happened?" I spoke in a regular voice since Lunar was a very hard sleeper. Master Plo chuckled and said, "You know me too well... I am nervous for you leaving tomorrow. I have had suspicion of that factory for a while, but if they are planning something I fear the worst."

I could feel his fear of losing me to the war, but I wrapped him in a hug and said, "Don't worry Master, remember I survived on my own when I was nine. I can handle a little stealth mission, plus it was my idea." He wrapped his arms around me and kept me close.

While having attachment in the Jedi Order is forbidden, it didn't stop me and Master Plo from forming a strong bond. We can both feel each other's emotions and fears. The bond is like one gets from Master and Apprentice, but for some unknown reason our bond is something stronger, ancient. Ever since my training began, me and Master Plo's bond has only strengthened to the point we can talk through our minds.

We sat in complete silence, embracing one another, until Master Plo let go of me and held both my shoulders. "You should get some sleep, big day tomorrow." I nodded and put Lunar on the right side of my cot and laid down. In just a few minutes, I instantly fell asleep to prepare for the next day.

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