Chapter 11 Vodika

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*Xena's POV*

Black, that is all I saw for a long time. I could feel someone holding my hand and telling me something, but I couldn't hear anything. I then heard someone's voice, saying, "Host, you must wake up."

I knew the voice better than anyone. "Lunar? What happened to me, why can't I move?"

Lunar spoke in a calm and peaceful voice. "Concentrate host and remember what you did?" I concentrated on what happened and my mind snapped. I remembered the blast bolt aimed for all my allies, my friends... family. I remembered pushing all of them away, but not having enough time to run.

"You remember?" Lunar said. "Yes, but why don't I feel your head on me? Wher-" I immediately stopped my train of thought and realized what she had done.


"Please don't tell me you and I are one now." I heard nothing.

"LUNAR!" I screamed at her, not happy that she got rid of her physical body just to save me.

"You were dying." I stopped and my frustration turned to surprise.

"What?" I said and she continued.

"The blast didn't do much on the outside, besides a few burns and broken bones, but on the inside all of your organs were failing. The only way to save you would be for us to become one."

I was still processing the information that Lunar told me. "I hope you are not angry with me."

"No, never angry at you, but now we won't be able to talk all the time. On-"

"Only when you sleep now, yes I am aware. But do not worry, I will always be here with you and with us one, you have all my abilities and transformation into me." I then saw Lunar right in front of me and I hugged her.

"Thank you, for everything." She wrapped her wings around me and said, "I will see you again when you need me, now wake up, host."

I groaned and opened my eyes to see several clones and Master Plo, asleep in what I assumed was the med-bay. When I turned my head to the right, I saw Wolffe holding my hand and realized how much me being injured hurt him, but not just him, but all of the men.

I gently squeezed his hand and he immediately woke up, ready to attack. "Wolffe." He turned and looked at me.

"Xena! You're awake!" He screamed, waking up all the rest of the men in the process. "Yes, I am. Are you alright?" Wolffe just stared at me for a few seconds until Sinker cut in.

"Are we alright? We should be asking you that. You almost died for us." I nodded my head. "And I would do it again in a heartbeat."

All the clones were speechless and me and Master Plo chuckled a bit and sat down to the left of me, smiling. "As I have said before, she really cares for all of you, even if you don't realize it."

"But why, why risk your life for us. We're just clones." Wolffe said.

"Because Gar lives mean more brokar mean than winning te akaan." (translation: Your lives mean more to me than winning the war)

All the men looked back at me in shock, speaking mando to them all. It was quiet until Boost studered. "Ho- wha- whe-" I cut him off and said, "I knew how to speak mando for a long time, Jango taught me. Also yes I knew what all of you were saying on the ship for the past couple of months."

All the men turned away from me, in embarrassment of what they talked about behind my back. Wolffe looked angry at the men, almost knowing what they said. Before an argument started, Master Plo said, "Come, let us go so you can rest for a bit." I nodded and he gently hugged me, got up and left the room with the men, all but Wolffe.

"Coming Commander?" Master Plo said. "I'll be there in a second, General." Master nodded and he turned to me, with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry." I looked at Wolffe, confused at what he was apologizing for. "I'm sorry, for everything that I've done, and said against you." I sat up a little bit, groaning in the process, and hugged him. He stiffed a little bit, but wrapped his arms around me gently.

"I am not mad at you, none of this is your fault. Don't blame yourself for this, understand me." He nods, but is shedding a few tears in the process. I smiled and continued to hold him close, comforting him. He pulled away after a while and smiled at me.

"You know, me and the others were talking about what you did. You saved us all and we have never felt that kind of protection from anyone, other than each other. You are like a vodika to all of us, and I believe many of the men will call you that now after knowing your history and what happened today, even me."

I was stunned to hear that they would call me vod, they thought of me like a sister. I smiled and said, "Thank you vod. Though wouldn't it be more fitting to call you all Evaar'la vod, since I'm older than you all." Wolffe stared at me wide eyed and then glared at me.

"You wouldn't dare!" I laughed at his response and hugged him again. "You should get some rest." I nodded and leaned back into the bed and Wolffe left, but before he did he said, "Sleep well, vodika." He then left and I closed my eyes, at peace with everything.

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