Chapter 10 - I Like It Here

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—-Nikolai's POV—-

"Mara seems like a lovely girl." Dogan commented as Nikolai stood next to him at the helm. Mara was walking around the deck, meeting some crew members here and there, but mostly looking out at the water.

"She is something special isn't she." He replied, letting his gaze follow her effortlessly. She caught his eye and smiled, causing him to return the smile.

"I can't say that I've ever seen you so smitten," Dogan said, nudging him in the shoulder. "Going a bit soft, are we?" He chuckled.

"Not at all." Nikolai said firmly, straightening his coat and standing a little taller. "She wanted to get off the island, I provided a way to do that. It's simply business." Nikolai said smoothly.

"It's alright." Dogan smiles at him, putting his hand on Nikolai's shoulder. "I mean you do look well though, I expect she fed and nurtured you while you were away." He added, giving him a sly wink.

Nikolai hit him on the back of the head, "Keep you mind in the heavens, or I'll clock you so hard you end up there." He finished, but couldn't help the small smile that crept onto his face. Dogan just laughed.

Nikolai turned his gaze back to the deck of the ship. He couldn't see Mara anymore. Puzzled, he started to descend the steps.

"Good to have you back Captain." A crew member said, giving him a soft slap to the back.

"Good to be back." He replied.

As he continued walking towards the bow, his eye caught a flash of red. And he recognized her red and pink floral dress.

She sat on the ground, her legs to the side as she leaned her arms on the rail at the farthest most part of the vessel. She looked totally in her element. She looked beautiful.

"There you are." He said quietly, so he didn't startle her. He crouched behind her, placing his head just above her shoulder. Seeing her view through his own eyes.  The sun has begun to set, and the sea looked magical as the mix of oranges and purples danced over the rolling waves.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"For what?" He asked.

"Bringing me here." She answered, never taking her eyes off the scenery. Nikolai smiled, looking down at her.

"This isn't even the best part." I replied.

She tilted her head to the side and met my eyes. "Well, I can't wait for what happens next." She smiled.

"I have something I want to show you." He said, taking her hand and helping her up. Putting her arm through his as they walked the length of the ship.

Once they reached the back of the vessel where all of the cabins were, he led her down the main hallway. There were 3 doors. One to the right, towards the front. And then the last two kitty corner to each other in the back.

"This is Dogan's room." Nikolai said, slapping the door to the right as they passed it.

He stopped at the end of the hall. "So, I was thinking, I would offer you this room," He said, opening the door and stepping to the side to let her go in. "My room is next door, so I'd be close by if you needed me, but it could give you some privacy." He finished.

It seemed like a gentlemanly thing to do, but somehow, he knew it was going to be painfully hard to have her so close.

She walked into the room and sat down on the bed for a moment. Her suitcases on the floor near the window on the back wall. Both rooms were rather small, with washrooms for each. The ceilings were very low, but the rooms were great for what their purpose was for. Sleeping. And that was kind of it.

"Yes, I think this will do. Thank you." She smiled. A yawn crept onto her face, and she tried to turn away and hide it with her hand.

She let her hands fall into her lap as she looked around from her vantage point on the bed. Her deep blue eyes, heavy with the need for sleep. She looked adorable. But definitely gave off the look of needing some rest. They hadn't really slept well in that closet the night before. Was it really just last night?

"I'll leave you to get ready for bed," Nikolai said, shifting his weight on his feet after he had realized I had been looking at her a little too long.

"The washroom is just through that door to your right... And I guess I'll see you in the morning." He smiled. They had spent a few days together on the island alone, but for some reason, both of them in this room together was strangely electric.

"Goodnight Nikolai." She spoke, gazing over his face.

"Goodnight Mara." He replied, his voice low as I drank in her beauty. Giving her a small nod before turning and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

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