Chapter 22 - The Stables

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---Mara's POV---

After Nikolai's hasty goodbye, they had taken off down the main road. Pushing past the last few people that were making their way home.

As they fled through the streets, they spotted a horse tethered outside a nearby tavern. Without hesitation, they dashed over and quickly untied the horse, clambering onto its back and urging it into a gallop.

"Hang on!" Henrik yelled, giving the reins a quick snap. Mara wrapped her arms around Henrik's torso, burying her face into his back.

The horse was well-trained and seemed to sense the urgency of the situation. It thundered through the trees, its hooves pounding the ground as Mara and Henrik clung on tightly. They knew that they had to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the town if they were going to have any chance of escaping.

As they rode, they could hear the distant sounds of the authorities. They had found Nikolai. Mara squeezed her eyes shut and told herself if she ever saw Nikolai again. She was going to slap him for sacrificing himself instead of coming with them. But even with those thoughts, her heart stung. He wanted to protect her.

Henrik urged the horse to go even faster, and it responded, its powerful muscles propelling them forward at an incredible speed.

The wind whipped past them, and the sounds of the town grew fainter as they left them behind. They rode hard for several hours, never stopping until they could see the town just around the hill.

When they finally rode through the gates, their hearts were pounding with adrenaline and their muscles ached from the exertion of the ride. They quickly found the stable, and Henrik hopped down to tie up the horse. Luckily, they were the only ones there, and the stable provided a comforting warmth. Mara's cheeks still stung from the crisp cold air whipping so harshly against her skin.

They settled in for the day, taking turns keeping watch and napping in the hay. But as the day wore on and turned into evening, Mara grew increasingly anxious.

"Where is Nikolai?" She asked, pacing back and forth in the dim light of the stable. "He should have been here by now."

"Don't worry," Henrik said, trying to reassure her. "He's probably just been delayed. You know how it is."

"But what if something's happened to him?" Mara said, her voice rising with panic. "What if he's been caught or hurt?"

Henrik put a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. "We don't know that," he said. "All we can do is wait and hope that he shows up soon."

As the night deepened and the stars came out, Mara grew more and more agitated. She paced back and forth, her mind racing with worry and fear. Henrik was fast asleep, his soft snores rumbling the hay that he lay upon.

After a few moments, she stepped outside and sank to the ground, looking up at the sky. The constellations were harder to see on land. It reminded her of that night that Nikolai had found her on the ship deck. She closed her eyes and tried to relive that moment.

His soft yellow hair.

His arms, strong and protective.

His charming laugh and quick-witted remarks.

A small cry escaped her lips, she needed him. She needed him to be okay.

She sat there for what felt like hours. Tears falling on her dress silently, as the crickets sang cheerful lullabies in the night.

Finally, just as she was about to give up hope, she heard the sound of footsteps outside the stable. She quickly looked up, pushing herself to her feet. The footsteps were getting closer.

Her heart raced as she slowly started creeping towards the front door. She just needed to get inside, then she'd wake up Henrik. But then the figure rounded the corner, revealing Nikolai. Coat in hand, his head hung low. He looked exhausted.

His eyes finally met hers, and they both raced forward. Crashing together, Nikolai pulled her into a tight embrace. Lifting her feet off of the ground, as she clung tightly to his torso. "I was so worried about you," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I thought something had happened."

Nikolai hugged her back, holding her close. "I'm here now." He spoke. Tightening his grip around her, before pulling his face away just enough to see hers.

Without another word, Nikolai leaned in and kissed her deeply. Mara responded eagerly, her heart racing with excitement and passion. His hands were everywhere, as were hers. As if they couldn't confirm enough that they were finally together again. They could feel the heat of each other's bodies, and the world around them faded away.

Finally, they broke apart, both of them breathing heavily. She leaned her forehead on his as they looked into each other's eyes. And in that moment, Mara saw a depth of love and emotion in Nikolai's gaze that she had never seen before.

"I care for you," Nikolai said, his voice full of sincerity. "I don't know what I would have done if we didn't find you. I-I couldn't even let myself think of it. And I know it hasn't been that long, but I feel like you've always been with me in a way, and I-" He broke off, pressing another kiss on her mouth. "I pray to the saints, that you feel the same way."

Mara smiled, her heart bursting with joy. "I care for you too Nikolai. I have you since the day you fixed my roof, since the time you asked me to jump-" she replied. But he had let out a breath of relief and ended her sentence by capturing her lips in his again. Turning and pressing her against the wall of the stable. Mara threaded her fingers into his hair and let out a small noise as he lightly took her bottom lip between his own.

They stayed there for a few moments longer, their bodies close together. Sharing too many kisses to keep track of, causing her head to spin. Her hand griped onto his shoulder to try and ground herself, but his arms just brought her closer.

After a few achingly tender moments, Mara gave Nikolai one more kiss. She sighed as she pulled away, before slowly pulling him inside the stable. Quietly sneaking past Henrik, hand in hand, to another compartment of the stable with a fresh pile of hay.

They spent that night wrapped in each other's arms. Mara closed her eyes and tried to memorize the feeling of his chest rising and falling against hers. His breath softly blew on her shoulder, his same familiar musky smell enveloping her. He held her firmly against him, as protective as ever.  Placing sweet whispers and stray kisses over the crook of her neck.

As the first light of dawn began to break on the horizon, they finally drifted off to sleep, exhausted but content. She knew that they would have to leave the stable soon and continue on their journey, but for that one perfect moment, she was incandescently happy.

Yay! They are finally back together and safe! Also we just hit 4k reads?? I never imagined that many views for this story. Thank you so much. ❤️
- M

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