Chapter 17 - His Journey

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- Mara's POV -

The next morning, the men had opened up the shop doors, and instructed Mara that she was to sell and draw maps. Faint light slipped through the dirty windows, the dust in the air laying thickly in her lungs.

"We know where you came from, and we know all about the oranges." The bearded man said sternly, leaning over the counter, and blowing his smoky breath into her face. "And you are going to take us there. Our beautiful guide."

Mara froze as his eyes slide up and down her form.

"And with your help, we will become the riches men on this side of the Jade Sea." He spoke caressing her face with the tip of his fingers. "Don't think of escaping either, because we know your vain pirate also knows where the island is."

"He'll find me." She whispered. "And he will tear you to pieces."

"Don't be so sure of that sweetheart. Do you really think you are the first girl he has made feel special? He took you to see the festival right, made you try everything, bought you treasures?"

Mara said nothing, her eyes welling with tears, and her fingers shaking as she gripped the fabrics of her skirt. She only held perfectly still as he grazed the skin of her face. His yellow teeth gleaming at her when he smiled.

"He's been here a dozen times, a new girl every time. You're just the newest model" A tear rolled down Mara's cheek and he caught it under his dirty thumb. "He's a player, and you will never see him again." He almost looked at her with pity, but his eyes held the look of satisfaction. "Poor girl, don't worry we will take good care of you."

Mara's attention went around the room to the group of men standing behind him, all of their eyes on her, smug looks plastered on their faces.

"Now get to work and cover your face." He said between his teeth, quickly taking his hand away and storming out of the hut. Mara swallowed and took in a shallow breath. She grabbed a cloth from the counter and tied it around her face, only allowing her eyes to be visible.

Her gaze landed on the scattered papers around her. She attempted to understand the drawings and familiarize herself with the markings, but she had never traveled, she didn't recognize these places.

A heavy ball and chain clung to her ankle as she made quick work. Soon a few customers walked into the door, not even making eye contact with her as they asked for what they needed. Once she tried to plea for help quietly under her breath, but she was ignored, it seemed no one cared that she didn't belong there. That she was being held against her will.

As she worked, she tried not to believe the things she had been told about Nikolai. He seemed so genuine. Who was she to believe the men who had taken her, over the man that had saved her. She tried to hold onto the way he made her feel, but images of him doing what he had done with her with other girls circled around in her mind. Her heart burned. Tears rolled, and she didn't brush them away, she just let them slide under the cloth. Glad no one could see her face.

- Nikolai's POV-

(The morning before)

Henrik and Nikolai had been walking for hours. Nikolai stopping to talk with everyone they passed. Describing Mara in greater detail then necessary and asking for information about any groups of men that had been known to cause trouble. Everyone sadly shook their heads, wishing the men good luck but muttered unencouraging truths behind their backs.

"What are we going to do?" Henrik asked, he eyes focused on the gravel below his feet as the two made their way up a hill. Following the gravel road into the tree line.

Nikolai shook his head, not saying a word. His body ached from their journey. And his mind stung from the lack of sleep. They had traveled between the roads, making a quicker trip and covering more distance than it would have then them to follow the roads through the streets.

He hadn't allowed himself to think of the possibility that they wouldn't be able to find anything that lead to Mara. At some point they would need to circle back to the ship, they didn't have endless funds to rely on.

But Nikolai pressed forward, placing his hope in each new person he spoke to. His boots crunching on the road as he stopped to speak to kind looking woman. Henrik stood behind him, his hand on the strap of his bag.

Just then a carriage rolled past them.

"Morning." Henrik said, nodding his head to the coach driver. Then the carriage turned the corner and was gone.

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