ELEVEN | my cage

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A bird cage.

Melody was stuck inside a fucking bird cage by the man who so heavily claimed it was in the name of love. Inside his bedroom was a giant bird cage sitting next to the fireplace. The cage was spacious. She could lay down and starfish on the green carpet floor if she had the ability to move her body. There were a couple of blankets. Some books.

After the immobility spell took affect she was teleported to her prison. Gabriel soon appeared on the other side of the bars. "What is it that you want from me," Melody sobbed. Her chest burned as tears rolled down her face. She wanted to punch him. To scream for help but she knew no one would help her. She was in his world now.

Gabriel grabbed the bars and frowned at the shivering woman. "I want you Melody. All I want is to love you. To make love to you. To have your body and mind without interruptions."

Melody shook her head frantically, "well I don't want that. I have a life Gabriel. I have school, I have my family. I can't just abandon that!" He rolled his eyes, "those people aren't family. And it's not like you choose to be a doctor." Melody was seething, "then what the fuck is this! Do you think I would choose to be in a fucking bird cage! Are you god damn kidding me! How are you any different then my parents!"

Those words stung, but Gabriel only shook his head. "You don't understand. But you will. I promise. Just give it some time."

He took a key from his robe pocket and unlocked the metal door. He stepped closer to her. "Don't you dare touch me," she snapped. Gabriel sighed and moved closer. His hand was outstretched to her. Melody couldn't move away though she tried with all her might.

He touched her forehead and started incanting a spell. Melody could only cry for him to stop. Once he finished speaking a bright light emitted from his hands. The light felt like a million needles were piercing her mind. Melody let out a shrill scream.

Gabriel stared at the number over her head that quickly dwindled down to zero. He could only sigh to himself, 'she will come to understand. She will.'


Crystal was in a panic. 12 hours had passed. This was completely different than anytime Melody had ever ran away. Her clothes were still in her backpack. Her phone was by her bed. Her wallet, and charger were accounted for. Though she wished it wasn't true she could only come to one conclusion.

'She was kidnapped.' She stared at Melody's room. All the signs pointed to it. And she had a culprit in mind. 'She said she would talk to her boyfriend last night. And I'm guessing... things didn't go well.' Crystal welt tears prick in her eyes. "I told her to do it. To try talking to him," she crouched down and hugged her knees.

"God I hope you're okay Melody."

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