TWENTY-SIX | my koa

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Melody was shaking from a mix of fear, anger, frustration, and anxiety. "I'm glad you're safe now," he sighed. Melody didn't respond. Koa frowned at her apprehension and walked to the edge of the room. "Tea?" He offered. She wanted to say yes but she knew better. Koa was a poison master. He might not be great with magic but he had special ways of fighting. He could read her like an open book. "I won't poison your tea Melody. I'm not crazy." He pointed over his head, "see? My number isn't over a hundred right?"

Melody stared over his head for a moment before white numbers appeared. %85.

It made sense that he wouldn't be at a hundred percent. 'He was one of the harder characters to win over,' she analyzed. Koa hated the idea of having a relationship with his boss. He was a clean cut person who was the best at everything he did. He was a level headed man... sometimes.

Melody breathed a sigh of relief. "Then ill take tea," she smiled. He beamed and turned to his kettle. Suddenly she realized how weirdly calm she was being. It was like her body was reacting to his presence.

"Wait how did you know about the numbers? Is it possible to see your own?" He paused for a second. "The voice told me," he answered. For some reason she thought that was a lie. Melody's eyes narrowed, "doesn't the voice also tell you where I am? Have you been watching me all this time?"

Melody slowly stood up. He still was turned away from here. "I just kept my distance. I didn't want to frighten you," he was still speaking in a soft voice but Melody could tell how agitated he was becoming.

Melody knew in her gut that something was wrong. She looked up at his number and nearly jumped. The number flickered for a second and then went back.

She swore it had said, %200.

Melody watched as he poured the tea into a marble tea cup with ease. His promises meant nothing to her. He was the type to drug someone with a smile on his face. He could lie without any hesitation. He turned back to her but paused when he saw the frightened expression on her face. "Come on, Melody. You know I would never hurt you, right?"

"How many more of you are there?"

He placed the cup down on a counter. "How many what?" Melody kept her arms close to her side. "How many more men?" He chuckled, "you mean how many more of your lovers are here?" He shrugged, "you tell me? Just how many men did you cheat on me with?"

Melody's face scrunched, it was weird for her to think about the situation like that. "No answer? Hmm. I think I should be the one upset right now, milady." He stepped closer to her which she reciprocated by stepping back. "I sacrificed everything to be with you, and this is how you repay me? If you weren't planning on being faithful you should have never tempted fate to begin with."

Melody didn't see any doors in this lab. There were a few windows but all she saw were clouds. She assumed there was a latch somewhere but there was no chance for her to find it. She was stuck. "You said you love me. Was that a lie?" Melody bit her lip, "it wasn't a lie at the time."

Despair enveloped his face. He knew from her number that she was telling the truth. She no longer loved him anymore. %0. She had forgotten him while the mere thought of her kept him awake at night.

Tears threatened to escape his eyes. Melody flinched when he began to silently cry. "What did I do to lose you?" Melody shifted uncomfortably. All she did was finish the game then she moved on to a new one. It wasn't like she hated him or anything. Though right now she was extremely concerned about his mental stability.

"You did nothing wrong, I just moved on. And I found-. He frowned, "King Ashe? That heathen? Milady you deserve better than that bastard!" She was starting to get really annoyed. "The others agree that he isn't the best match for you. Think about it. As soon as you get married he will treat you just like he did his late wife."

Melody's eyes widened, "the others?"

He realized his mistake and turned away from her. Melody stepped closer to him, "who? How many? Just what is it that your guys are planning." He laughed, "it doesn't matter now. Because now I can have you all to myself."

He threw something on the ground and turned to grab her. Melody jumped back and put out her hands. She tried remembering the feeling of mana. With everything in her chest she screamed, " WATER!"

The water erupted from her hands like a geyser and headed straight for Koa. He flew back and crashed through a window. Melody's eyes went wide. She could hear him screaming as he fell for an eternity. She realized she was in a tower. And she had possibly killed Koa.

"Koa Yang has died. 6 left in Fallen Angel 2."

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