THIRTY-SEVEN | my dragon

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When Melody woke up Christian was on the cage floor rolling laughing. "He went down to the negatives! Oh god what a dumbass!" Melody stared at him momentarily. Then she looked up to the two men still hidden in the darkness. The man with red eyes had a way higher number then anyone else she had dealt with before. She knew this meant he was pure insane. She didn't want to find out how that story would go.


Crystal let out a sigh of relief when she saw Melody was back in the cage. Gabriel wasn't as happy. He didn't care anymore. "I'm bringing this tower down!" Before Crystal could refuse he punched a wall. The building shook.

His magic was back. And he had no intentions of holding back on the two dead men at the top of the tower.


Melody's body tilted with the cage. The building was shaking. Christain jumped into an alert position. The red eyed man opened the cage door and before Melody could use that second to produce magic he grinned. An eerie smile that scared her so much she questioned if she had peed herself. "Wh-who are you?" Her voice croaked.

"I'm not going to bring you to my world," he stated. "But I can exterminate all other obstacles to our love." He took in a deep breath before breathing out a stream of fire in the direction of the man in the distance. His green eyes widened and a shrill scream echoed in the room.

"Theodore Emerald has died. 3 left in Fallen Angel 2."

Now her question was different. "Wh-what are you!"

"I'm a dragon," he cackled. She immediately knew who he was. "Calum Crimson I-." Her words caught in her breath like her voice was being restrained. He snickered, "silly pretty little human. Do you think I would let you say my name so carelessly?"

A large crash broke through the whole building. The tower tilted. Calum frowned and swiftly grabbed Melody. It was so fast she didn't have time to register it. "He is such a rude human. Breaking others property is shameful." Melody couldn't help but laugh. "Like you can talk," she mumbled to herself.

He broke through the ceiling and produced a large set of red wings. They hovered over the collapsed building. Christain used his magic to slingshot himself through the whole Calum made and out to safety. Calum looked down at her. "We decided the order of who pursued you based off your affection per being. I was meant to go last. What do you think that means?"

Melody didn't need to think too hard about it. Calum was the male lead in the game 'Crimson Knight'. It was the game she had played right before she found Fallen Angel. It was made by the same gaming company and she had fallen hard for Calum, if not equal to Gabriel.

"Even after all that has happened," he snickered and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Her heart skipped a beat and she hated herself for it. "Your number is still %52."

Hey eyes widened. Was he kidding? "There is no way," she gasped. He smiled. "If Gabriel didn't exist you would still be mine."

"Hey! Jackass! This wasn't apart of the deal!" Christain yelled from the ground. Calum laughed manically at the desperation in Chris' voice. Melody knew her magic wouldn't even scratch this man, but she could only hope it would help her escape. Still, at this height she wasn't sure she could manage altering her magic to escape.

A glow of gold in her peripheral caught her attention. She smiled. Closed her eyes, and shot water from her hands with everything she had. Calum loosened his grip for only a second, but that was enough. Melody jumped out and free fell. She didn't have a doubt in her mind about it.

Firm arms caught her and she grabbed at the familiar silk robe. "I've got you," Gabriel declared. Tears of joy welled in her eyes. "I know," she grinned.

She looked up to his number and felt a blush envelope her cheeks when a bright pair of blue eyes stared right back. "It's gone up," he smiled proudly. Her eyes were stuck on the gold numbers over his head. %100.

She knew what this meant. He was a captured target. His love would never change for her. It would never go up or down for better or for worse. Her heart had never felt so at peace because for the first time in days she actually felt safe.

But then her chest burned and squeezed. "You're mine Melody! Our souls will forever be connected." Gabriel was flying away from the angry dragon man in the air. He spotted a shadow in the forest and teleported to it. The dragon flinched as the two disappeared from thin air. "YOU CANT HIDE FOR FOREVER!"

Crystal was holding out her jacket. Melody ran to her cousin and hugged her. "Crystal! Oh god, I missed you!" Crystal was crying too. She held Melody tightly as they huddle on the ground. Gabriel grinned at the happy image.

"How did you find me? How did you get to Fallen Angel?" Melody wondered . Crystal smiled, "I realized your activity on the game was the highest when you were asleep. So I just logged into your game account on my phone and knocked myself out with sleeping pills. Worked like a charm," she shrugged.

Melody stared in awe at her cousin. "Wow." was all she could say. Crystal sheepishly grinned. "I promised I would help you. I always keep my promises."

Melody felt her chest burn again and she knew Christopher was close. Gabriel's expression seemed to hold the same conclusion. He held the two hugging girls and poured mana over their bodies. All three teleported back to his garden.

The palace was in an up roar.

Gabriel made an 'O' with his mouth. "I think I caused a national crisis." Melody looked up at the palace and an idea came to her. She pulled at his sleeve so he would look at her. "I have an idea," she stated.

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