Her monster

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Warning: a little graphic

I have done everything for her and her attention

I have murdered an entire state just to get to her, I have binded us together to make her love me, I carved her name in my chest with her knife, i made her drink my blood while I drunk hers ,I fucked her in the blood of others and fucked her in a burning building of people who kidnapped her

She told me anything that happened to her I fixed it I had to kill my brother because she wanted to flirt with him to make me jealous and fucked her on his grave I killed my father for SA'ing her and I burnt a city to a ground that treated her like an outcast now if that's not love I don't know what is

And now she stands before me with a gun pointed at me calling me a monster for everything I have done for her

Y-I never asked u to do that for me Jacob

J-u are mine u don't need to ask u hear me?...I would sacrifice the world for u

Y-no stop-

J-I would sacrifice anyone for u-


J-ur mine!!ur heart ur body ur soul is mine forever bound to me-


J-What you've forgotten is that the heart beating inside your chest isn't f*cking yours

I said snarling at her who the fuck do she think she is

I went closer grabbing her wrist and put the gun to my head

J-It's mine. And if my heart has stopped working, then pull that trigger, little mouse. Kill the rest of me. I'm nothing if l'm not the reason you breathe

Y-shut up Jacob I'll do it

J-then do it...

Y-...god I hate u

She threw the gun and pulled me down and kissed me as roughly as she could and I grabbed her face

J-ur mine...I'm sorry but I couldn't let ur sister take i away from me again...I had to

Y-I hate u Jacob

J-show me

I took her to the room I killed her sister in and threw her on the bed stripping and ripping off her clothes while her sister dead corpse is in the corner watching

Y-ur evil

J-play with ur pussy little mouse. Let me see how hard I can make urself cum at the thought of u taking ur anger out on me

I said slowly crawling to her spreading her legs

Y-I'm not-

She gasped when I slapped her pussy then rubbed her clit looking at her

J-What did I just tell you to do? Don't make me ask you again or I'll do it myself

I moved my finger sand sucked on them as she slowly started to rub her clit looking at me

She glanced over to her sister but I made her look at me

J-eyes on me nowhere else but me

Y-yes sir

She did as I said her soft look turning into a lustful one

She moaned keeping her eyes on me my dick started to stiffen I was getting harder and harder just by watching and with her sister in here made it even more erotic

J-u hate me?

Y-*moans* yes sir~

J-I fucking love u...u are my world and I am ur heart I should be the only thing I live for because u are my only reason I am breathing

Y-can I go faster

Her moans start to get louder as he rammed her finger into herself

J-no...u don't deserve to

Y-u killed my sister and now u say that to me?~ur a monster

J-if u wanna cum I'll advise u to fix that attitude before I help u fix it

Y-haa~ u-u killed my sister and now ur being a asshole!!I hate u Jacob!!I hate u so much I love u !!~

She started going faster and I told her to slow down but she ignored me

Y-u wanted me to cum hard and I'm finna cum so shut up and watch~

She kept going as I stood up watching her the whole time

My dick couldn't wait any longer she is such a brat

Y-I'm gonna cum!~

I took all my clothes off and when I did I snatched her to me moving her hands She tries to fight me but loses when I turn her in her stomach grinding my erection on her ass and she moans



J-go ahead struggle...keep trying to fight

She tried to but I pulled her hair back and she moaned

She was so soaked I didn't even need to lubricate my cock

I shoved it so deep in her she choked on her moans

I groaned bending down going slow my other hand finding her breast

J-u like this?~

Y-yes sir~

J-I'm so deep~

Y-pls go faster

J-why should I huh?u hate me?u tried to kill the only man who will ever love u like I do why should I

Y-I'm sorryyyy~ I love u Jacob I would never kill u NNGH~ ur the only reason I'm alive today u are my heart please fuck me harder!

Hearing her say that made me grow inside her even more and now I wasn't gonna hold back

I fucked her hard and didn't stop at all she was drooling and screaming as I fucked her

I made her look at me as pounded her from behind

J-truth is ur sister had it coming she tried to fuck me 2 days ago...and I fucked her to...I buried my dick deep in her throat and her pussy but she wasn't near as good and sweet as u

I licked up her neck as she looked at her sister in anger now and I looked at her to

J-she came to me today threatening to take u from me if I didn't leave u for her so I killed her...things she said to me about u made me disgusted so I had no choice...do u still hate me for what I did now little mouse?

Y-no show her how good I make u feel...show her how u belong to me!!

She screamed out in pleasure as she came and squirted all over me and I came inside her grunting burying her face in the bed

I fucked her all day right there in front of her dead sister dominating and marking what was mine

People will learn to never fuck with her or me no matter what I must do and y/n will know no matter what she will never escape me

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