𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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Chapter 8,9,10,11 is published on webnovel you all can check that out, link is on my conversation board

I just came back from my lunch break and I have a meeting with Mr. Rajput in exactly an hour I didn't want to take the whole team there because it can be a hustle so I asked Siya to come with me.

I set a timer for 20 minutes so we can be there on time, their office is 20minutes from here but I would like to be there early and I don't want to take risk with Mumbai's traffic

Soon it was time for us to leave, I went to the main room of our team and called out for Siya

"Siya are you ready? We have to leave now" I said while standing on the door of the room

"Yes let me just get my bag" She said while she walked towards her desk to get her bag

"Okay everyone we will take our leave now" I said, and everyone wished us a good luck,we walked out towards the elevator

We hoped in my car and drove towards Rajput corporations, thank God we left early because we are stuck in traffic, hopefully we will reach before our meeting time

Thankfully it got cleared in few minutes which is a miracle, I sped up a little so we could reach on time even if we were early

We reached the office in another few minutes, wow their building is huge, we went to the reception area to find out about where the meeting will be held

"Good afternoon how may I help you?" She asked us politely

"We are here for a meeting with Mr. Rajput" I said

"Can I know your name please?" She asked while checking on her laptop

"We are here on behalf of A.D architects"

"Alright you can take the elevator on the right side and go to the 48th floor, from there Mr. Rajput's P.A will guide you" She instructed us

"Okay thank you" I nodded and we left from there

"Damn the building is huge" Siya told me while admiring everything, even their elevator are cool

"I agree, I wonder what will the view be from the 48th floor" I said while I tapped on number 48 of the elevator

I love heights or more so the view that I get to see, I love cities, many people might like the villages or some quiet places with greenery

But I've liked the cities since really young age because of the huge buildings, the rush, how everyone is busy all the time. I like the chaos

As the elevator door opened, Mr. Rajput's P.A was already standing outside, we greeted each other and moved towards the conference room

"Sir will be here any minute now, would you both like to have something?" Mr. Rajput's P.A asked us who's name I learned was Ronit

We politely declined him since we had a small snack in the car while we were in traffic and we didn't wanted to seem unprofessional

Ronit went out to inform him about our arrival while me and Siya were talking about the project, after a few minutes the man of the hour came

God surely has his favourites, he is one of the finest man in the existence and when I say this I am not exaggerating because he is a sight for eyes

I stood up to greet him, damn his tall, I am 5'7 and he has some good inches on me, he must be atleast 6'3

After introducing each other we got down to work and I tried not to stare at him, I mean you can't blame me when you have the most gorgeous man sitting besides you

We finished discussing about they hotel, they want a big lobby, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, huge corridors in other words they want a luxury hotel with gold and silver theme, I wrote everything down which was required in my diary

After discussing everything Mr. Rajput gave me his personal number, not going lie it made me giddy and he himself escorted us till the elevator

Surprisingly he was less of a jerk this time and I could hear more of his deep voice, he gave me a small smile while bidding us bye and I couldn't help but smile wide at him, his smile is so contagious that I think he should smile more

As the door closed suddenly Siya squealed and said

"Did he just gave you his personal number" While bouncing on her toes

I didn't say anything instead just smiled at her

"Wait do you like him?" She gasped

"Maybe, maybe not" I said

"Whatttt" She screamed

I laughed at her, as the door opened we went out to the parking lot, as I started the car and she started squealing again

"I don't like him I just have crush on him his good looking and that's it I don't know anything about him, he won't even remember me after we finish the project" I said with a sigh

She didn't say anything after that because she knew I was right

I missed having a crush to be honest, I had a crush on this one boy back in college but then I got over him. I truly liked the phase, all the stalking,talking to my friends about him, going by his classes, trying to talk to him with stupid reasons but that was it after few months I got over him

We reached office late since it was evening time so the traffic was more compared to the afternoon

The company should give us a car for all the official works because damn the gas prices are increasing so much that I will have to pay half of my salary for gas

We reached office by 6 pm, I didn't do much work I was to tired after all the driving going through the meeting so I just sat on the couch in my office and read some mails while occasionally looking throw the big window in my cabin

As the clocked ticked 6:30 I got up of my seat to pack my bag and left for home, I reached home after suffering from long traffic

Today was one of the days where I just wanted to lie down in bed and go to sleep without changing or having food

Just as I was about to go for a bath my phone ranged I sighed and wore my bath robe and went to pick my phone

As I saw the name my mood dropped even more than it already was, I didn't wanted to talk, atleast not today when I already had a hectic day

I sighed and picked up my phone



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