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Aron's POV

Taking a look at my wrist watch I saw that it was time for me to clock out. I glanced at my laptop and saw that almost every entrance in the building was surrounded by paparazzi.

I smiled to myself their surprise will soon land

I pressed the button on my watch that's connected to Liam and Adam's ear device

"My office" I said with just those two words spoken they came in

Adam and Liam are one of kind they are my most trustworthy man, with them I can sleep with both eyes closed they will have my back no matter I can speak in codes and they will immediately understand what I'm saying.

"Sir the helicopter will land in ten minutes " Liam said

"Please escort to me to the roof top and Adam you will come with me as for Liam I want you to follow behind with the car and make sure the guards control the crowd " they both nodded

I grabbed my suit jacket and put it on fixed my self a bit and walked out with both Adam and Liam trailing behind me.

Only a few staff were still in the building I saw that Miss Rodriguez had already left I'm not the type of boss to make employees leave after me once they have completed their daily work they can leave.

A couple of heads turned when I made my way down the hallway to the elevator and some were even whispering not that I care, but I hate employees who gossip they are not any different from tabloids.

The helicopter had just landed, Mr Castillo my personal pilot for more then ten years greeted the moment I got in.

Both Adam and I settled in buckling our seat belts and Liam left to take care of the things I asked of him to.

The story behind both my right handman is one for the books.

I met Liam 12 years ago in Italy the country I was born in, I was there on a business trip and one night I decided to take a walk down the street. A group of five guys were following me and when I noticed they started attacking me, that's when out of nowhere Liam came and fought them he practically saved my life that day and I'll forever be indebted to him.

He fought the group of five guys alone and took every one of them down, I was so shocked that day that it took a while for me to compose myself I'm always with bodyguards and just that day when I decided to go out with none that happened to me.

I was so grateful to Liam I couldn't stop thanking him, I find out he lived near by I asked for his name and surname. When I got back to the hotel room I couldn't get him out of my mind the way he fought those bastards it was like I was watching Jackie Chan live and in person and I asked my private Investigator to search him up for me and not leave anything out.

When the report got back to me I was shocked, Liam had spent 5 years in jail for a crime he didn't commit, he was falsely accused of rape by a rich bitch whom he rejected. Lost his job and everything his parents tried everything in their power to prove their sons innocence, but failed they knew their son wasn't the type to abuse woman Liam and Adam are just like us we respect and protect woman.

He was released on good behavior and is serving two years out on parole. What hurt the most is that even after being released he was struggling financially he stayed with his parent's who lived in a two room house Liam was their only son and child and to think he had a really good job working as an agent no wonder he had such skills.

It was right then and there that I decided to pay him a visit. He was so shocked to see me I offered him a job as my personal bodyguard he worked his way up and sooner I also made him my right handman thanks to his loyalty. I bought his parent's a house and paid all their debt they accumulated while trying to prove their sons innocence. Both Liam and Adam stay on the second floor in my penthouse since the first floor is mine they have it all to themselves.

I remember I once tried to convince Liam to tell me the details of the woman who falsely accused him, I wanted justice for him. But he refused and said he already forgave her and wanted to leave everything behind in the past, but I wasn't gonna let it slide he spent three years in prison for a crime he didn't commit and lost everything thanks to that piece of trash.

Little did he know I wasn't gonna let it slide I found her and made sure I returned the favor. Right now she is working in a restaurant as a waitress after spending six years in jail for falsely accusing Liam. So funny how the high and all mighty fall.

Woman who use men disgust me, I can't even stand the sight of them. What he did to Liam was unforgivable and never wil she must have a taste of her own medicine. And I made sure that Liam never finds out.

Although I might never show it,both Adam and Liam are like brothers to me they are family and I always look out for family right now they are both in a happy place and I love that and I hope it remains like that forever.

As for Adam ohh boy his story brings me to tears, no child or person deserves to go through what he went through. I'm a man and when I hear such things even I wanna break down.

At first I never understood why he was so cold and closed of, but when I find out why even I for once in my life was lost for words.

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