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Aron's POV

Today is the day, that our meeting with Lockwood Industries will finally take place. I'm really anxious as to what Mr Lockwood wants from us so we can secure this billion dollar business deal, throughout everything I have to keep a calm and neutral face.

I got out of bed, turned on the news and did my morning exercise in the middle of the room since I can't go to the hotel gym I wanted privacy and ever since I got married I have barely gotten that. Everyone wants to know the mysterious woman I got married to, in the news they were talking about how I arrived in Spain yesterday without my wife little did they knew that my wife is always by my side.

After I was done with my  workout I took a shower got dressed in my most expensive Armani suit, put on my wristwatch and I was good to go.

Entering the dinning hall I saw that Ivan and Aidan were already waiting to go, I was so surprised to find them first since I'm always the one who always arrives earlier and on times I guess they are as eager as I am to find out what Mr Lockwood has in-store for us. We were now waiting for Miss Rodriguez to arrive of which I wouldn't say she's late since we arrived earlier.

"Holy Shit" Aidan said which kinda diverted my attention and I give him a stern look.

"Language bro" I told him

"Damn bro it's not my fault that Danna, is looking so damn beautiful" he said

The moment those words left his mouth I turned around and my breath hitched Miss Rodriguez was standing there, tall and looking absolutely beautiful.

"I apologize if this is a little bit forward, but I think you are totally gorgeous" Aidan said

"Thank you so much Aidan you look pretty much good too, infact all of you look amazing" she said sweetly

"Ahh thank you D, you are so sweet" Ivan said hugging her

I just stood there silent trying to figure out if I had missed out on anything why is my brother and best friend acting like this, well if they are trying to make me jealous it's working but I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing it. I was already mad at how Aidan complimented Miss Rodriguez if he wasn't my brother I would have already sent him flying across the room.

"Let's go I said with a cold voice"

If there's one thing I respect about Adam and Liam is how serious they take their work when it comes to protecting me and family, they were so efficient the had our vehicles right behind the building were there's only restricted access only the staff and owners were allowed there. The media couldn't get a picture of us even if they wanted to they would have to have wings in order to do that which is highly impossible.

"I'm so curious as to why Mr Lockwood requested my presence" Miss Rodriguez said

"We all are so eager I guess we will find out once we get there" Ivan said

The ride to Lockwood Industries was quiet and quick we arrived there in less then thirty minutes the whole front entrance was surrounded by Paparazzi. Ever since I got married they have been following my every move trying to figure out who is my wife of which they will never know.

We used the back entrance which was already prepared for us incase the media happened.

Apon entering the building were greeted by the staff and all

"Good morning Mr Mondragon it's such an honour to have you here" the assistant to Mr Lockwood said

"It's my pleasure Miss as you can see my brothers and personal assistant are here too as requested by your your boss" I said

She apologized and also acknowledged Miss Rodriguez, Aidan and Ivan after that she led us to the boardroom where Mr Lockwood was already seated and waiting for us along with his Son Brandon Lockwood of whom I don't like at all and I'm sure the third guy is their lawyer of why a lawyer is here I don't know, but I'm so interested in finding out.

" The one and only Aron Mondragon, I'm so glad you come make it" Mr Lockwood said embracing me with a handshake of which I highly returned the gesture

"Aidan and Ivan thank you for making it too"

They both nodded and returned the gesture

"Let me guess this young beautiful lady is your assistant"

I nodded

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you my dear you are so beautiful " Mr Lockwood said of which didn't sit really well with me

Brandon then greeted us and we also acknowledged him. His reputation is what makes me hate him. All he does is party and change women like he changes his underwear he is no good at all the way he flaunts his riches infront of the whole world and his personal life. One of the reasons I have never accepted his friendship request, I can't have someone who can barely keep their personal life private in my life they are not to be trusted at all.

We all took our respective seats and Mr Lockwood was getting ready to address us.

"The reason I called you out here is that we could talk about the deal but there's something more important I wanted to talk about and that will explain why I requested for presence of your assistance Mr Mondragon " he said

That alone completely made me sit on the edge, I was already running out of patience and the way Brandon was staring at Miss Rodriguez was making me fume inside.

"As you all know the reputation of my son partying and being with different women I want that all to change and create a good image for him" he said

"With all due respect Mr Lockwood we are not following what are you trying to propose actually " Aidan said

"I'll get straight to the point then"

"Please do" I said

" Mr Mondragon I want your assistant Miss Danna Rodriguez to marry my son and in exchange I'll give you the multi-million dollar business deal"

"WHAT" both Aidan and Ivan yelled

My anger was over the roof I was seeing red, I was already on my two feet ready to bounce on him when I felt two hands holding me back.

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