Chap 15

791 6 2

Grey's POV

When I first picked up the phone I was happy then my mood turned sour from the news all I could think about was that dick of a man spending a minute with my half-sister. Then when Jake came in all I felt was anger and I knew the only person I knew that could calm me down was B. When she came in all I wanted to do was hold her and have her hold me. So I did then I asked the coach to go home after explaining the situation. He said okay I left and just hoped the time would go by fast. When the boys got home before B I was scared she wouldn't come and I started overthinking.  As everything was about to take over she basically ran into my room apologizing. Then I see what is in her hands and I start laughing because of what is in her hands. She sets it down on my nightside table and gives me my stuff which I look at her like she is crazy and she looks scared for her life. I laugh again and say

"How do you know about this"

"I texted Jake" I looked at her and I chuckled

She walk over to me and hands me the stuff and I thank her she then wraps her arms around me I practically chug the drink and put the empty cup on the nightstand and wrap my arms around her

"Do you wanna talk about it"


She nods against me and says quiet eventually I fall asleep which isn't good because it is only 1:00 in the afternoon.

"I know somewhere you can take your mind off of everything," B says

"K" we get up and get ready to leave I put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants because for some god for saken reason it is 30°F. B is already ready I had to change because I didn't change out of the clothes I wear under my pads. I get into a hoodie and sweatpants we leave I hand her my keys and we leave. We pull up to her apartment and she says she has to grab something she goes up and  about 20 minutes later she calls me to tell me.

"Close your eyes"


"Just do it Grey"

"Fine they are closed".

I actually closed my eyes because I am not a cheater. When the driver's door closes I open my eyes and see B in all of her glory she is so beautiful I can't stand it so I kiss her forehead she closes her eyes and smiles I give her the biggest smile I have given anyone in years. I grab her hand and mess with the rings on her hand. I lost track of time but I think we were driving for about 30ish minutes. When we pull up to a building B hands me a bag she tells me not to look in it I don't. We walk up these really creepy stairs but when we get up them we are only a couple stories tall but it is beautiful you can see a the busy city from up here but it is quiet and peaceful Brooke takes my bag and lays out a blanket and offers me to sit down. I sit down first then B gets down after me and she sits in between my legs an leans back into me. We sit in silence for awhile until Brooke turns around to look at me and I smile at her and she gives me a beaming smile back I kiss her forehead. I pick her up and turn her around so she is straddling my lap. I push her hair behind her ears and look into her eyes.

"Hey do you want to know something?" B says something


"We go on Christmas break in 5 days"

"I know I don't want to leave"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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