21 ¦ Old Memories

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After a long, silent drive, Sunghoon pulls over at a forest road and turns off the engine. Confused, I turn to the young man, who takes his black sunglasses off his nose and places them on the dashboard.

"Are you going to kill me and bury my body here?" Suspiciously, I look around. There is not a soul to be seen.

A soft laugh escapes Sunghoon's lips. "I must admit, the idea sounds tempting." He eyes me briefly before shaking his head and looking out the window. "But no, I brought you here to show you something. It's a bit of a walk, though."

"Show me something?", I ask curiously, taking advantage of the moment that Sunghoon isn't looking at me to eye his side profile. A/N: His side profile is so *chef kisses*

Without elaborating, we get out of the car and follow a narrow path overgrown with weeds and nettles, which leads us deeper into the forest.

Twenty minutes pass and just as I begin to doubt that Sunghoon himself knows where this path leads us, I spot a small lake from a distance.

"Wow," I marvel as we stop just in front of the lake and I look around. Everything seems so peaceful and carefree. The sun is reflected glittering on the surface of the water, the birds are chirping happily and the light fabric of my summer dress is fluttering in the gentle wind.

A few meters away from us, I discover a blanket spread out on the ground with a fully packed picnic basket on top. Astonished, I look at Sunghoon, who is standing in front of the blanket with his arms folded behind his back, returning my gaze.

"I hope the surprise worked," Sunghoon says smiling at me. His brown eyes dart back and forth between me and the picnic blanket.

With raised eyebrows, I gradually approach him. For a brief moment, his features tighten before my lips form into a gentle smile. "It's really beautiful here...", I murmur still overwhelmed by the scenery and his surprise. No one has ever done anything like this for me before.

"Come sit down," Sunghoon prompts me, already sitting cross-legged on the blanket and tampering with the basket. Hastily, I free myself from my sandals and kneel down on the soft picnic blanket opposite Sunghoon.

My eyes fall on the basket, which is filled with some goodies that I enjoy eating. "Who helped you?", I ask Sunghoon who is just pulling out the undoubtedly expensive bottle of red wine and two wine glasses from the basket.

"Is it that obvious?" he asks, opening the wine bottle. I nod. "Jay," Sunghoon informs me. Suspiciously, I glance back and forth between him and the basket, which even contains rice cakes that I last ate when I was a child. How would Jay know all this?

"And Teresa," he finally adds, handing me one of the glasses. "After all, she's one of the people who knows what you like best. So I asked her."

"Obviously she didn't tell you that I don't like wine," I reply, smiling nervously at Sunghoon. For that statement, my father probably would have reprimanded me immediately if he were present.

"She did," he replies to me, filling his own glass halfway with red wine as well before putting the bottle back in the basket and looking deeply into my eyes. "But I'm sure you'll like it. It's Spanish red wine."

"Well, if that's the case," I say, playfully impressed. Sunghoon smirks. "Just taste it before you judge it," he prompts me, rolling his eyes.

Under Sunghoon's scrutiny, I bring the glass to my lips and sip the wine, its sweet note wetting my tongue. I take another sip.

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