34 ¦ Surprise

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After a thirty-minute drive, during which Sunghoon stopped briefly at a bakery to buy us something to eat, we reach a park in a somewhat quieter part of town. Frowning, I look out the window. Is this the surprise Sunghoon was talking about?

"I thought a walk would do us both good," Sunghoon informs me as he notices my expression. He's probably right. The fresh air will certainly help me clear my head before I have to face Teresa and my so-called mother again.

I honestly don't know how to face them yet. After all, they don't yet know that I overheard their conversation in the kitchen. They think I'm ignorant, and deep down I wish I were. While it doesn't change the fact that Teresa and my parents have only fooled me my whole life, at least then I wouldn't have to live with that knowledge.

"You're right," I finally agree with Sunghoon after a brief silence. The latter is just completely engrossed in the display of his cell phone. He types a short message and finally slides his phone into his pocket before looking at me again.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Sunghoon says with a charming smile on his lips. We unbuckle our seat belts and get out of the car. After walking a few laps around the lake, we sit down on one of the many empty benches scattered around the lake.

By now the hot summer is coming to an end and autumn is just around the corner. Still, the weather is nice; the sun is shining and there is a light breeze blowing through my hair as Sunghoon and I sit silently next to each other, my eyes fixed on the lake where some ducks are floating on the surface of the water.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I say, breaking the silence that reigns between Sunghoon and me. As I do so, I venture a quick glance in his direction, only to find that Sunghoon has long been looking at me. Immediately, I feel the blood rush to my cheeks, but I keep my eyes locked on his.

"This isn't what I had in mind when you mentioned surprise, but I think it's nice here," I add. The beautiful scenery and fresh air clear my mind and I can forget all my worries for a brief moment. "That's not your surprise," Sunghoon replies softly. Confused, I look into his brown eyes, which bore deeply into mine.

"This is your surprise," a voice sounds from behind us. The heart in my chest skips a beat and all color drains from my face. Immediately, I shoot up from the bench and turn around. And there she stands.

With tears in my eyes, I rush toward Leela and we fall into each other's arms, laughing and crying at the same time. "Lee," I sob, taking a deep breath to inhale the familiar scent of my best friend.

The last time we saw each other was over a month ago. The past few weeks have seemed like an eternity, so much has happened and I didn't think we'd see each other again so soon. I would love to never let go of her again. Words can't describe how grateful I am to Sunghoon for engaging this meeting.

"I've missed you so much, Lola," Leela cries, wrapping her arms around me a little tighter, as if she's afraid she'll have to say goodbye to you again right away. "I'll leave you alone," Sunghoon informs us, who has also risen from the bench in the meantime. With his arms folded behind his back, he stands next to us and looks at us satisfied that his surprise has succeeded.

Leela and I sit down on the bench where I sat with Sunghoon earlier, and we look at each other with teary eyes and wide smiles on our lips. "I gave Yeosang a real telling off for hurting you like that," Leela tells me proudly and I have to smile.

Leela has no idea that the Yeosang thing is the least of my problems, and yet it makes me feel good. But even though Leela is my best friend, I decide not to tell her the whole truth when she asks me about it. Still, I tell her about my violent father and that we are now living with Sunghoon.

"Yeosang was rambling something about you and this Sunghoon being engaged but you would have told me that, wouldn't you?", Leela wants to know. "We are engaged," I reply. Confused, Leela searches for an engagement ring on my finger and raises her eyebrows when that search is in vain. "Not officially yet," I quickly add.

"Dolores," Leela puts in with a serious undertone in her voice, glancing over her shoulder to make sure Sunghoon is out of earshot. "If you're being forced to do anything, you can tell me now. Is this man hurting you or threatening you?"

"No," I reply immediately, shaking my head vigorously. "Sunghoon doesn't hurt me.... and I-I love him," I lie to reassure Leela, but the tingling sensation that spreads through my stomach in response confuses me. I don't feel anything for Sunghoon. Or do I?

I immediately put this ridiculous thought out of my mind. It would be foolish of me to feel anything for a man who certainly doesn't feel anything for me and only wants to protect me because of his own feelings of guilt and pity.

"If you really love him and he treats you well, of course I'll stand behind you," Leela finally replies with a smile on her lips. But something in her eyes tells me that she distrusts me. I feel bad withholding all these things from my best friend, but I don't want to make it more complicated than it already is by bringing her on board.

For hours, Leela and I sit on this park bench and talk. The last few weeks seem to have been particularly eventful, and not just for me, because a lot has happened with Leela, too. It's nice to finally talk to her again. It feels as if we had never been apart. But reality soon catches up with me as the day takes its course and it's time to say goodbye. Leela pulls me into a tight hug to say goodbye.

"Check in with me so I don't have to worry," Leela asks me, breaking away from the embrace. From the sound of her voice, I can tell she doesn't want to say goodbye just yet, but Leela still has something to do and besides, I don't want to keep Sunghoon waiting any longer.

"I will," I assure her. After today, I don't think Sunghoon will mind. And my father is not there to forbid me.

Our paths part and I head for Sunghoon's black Bentley, which is still parked where he parked it this morning. I open the passenger door and sit down in the car. "Can we drive?", Sunghoon wants to know, who has obviously been here waiting for me the whole time I've been sitting in the park talking with Leela.

"Yes," I say, my voice no more than a soft whisper. With tears in my eyes, I turn my gaze to Sunghoon. But they are not tears of sadness, but of joy and gratitude that I feel. With a brief smile on his lips, Sunghoon starts the engine of his black Bentley and we make our way back to his home.

A/N: I love how he turned so soft for her

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