Terra Incognita.

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Episode 1, Terra Incognita.

When their Planet's monarchy is overthrown by a coup, Royal alien Teens named, Aja, Krel and Y/n flee to Earth accompanied by their Brutish bodyguard.

[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

In the stage of the well, what was supposed to be the premier of Captain Dj Kleb movie Toby, Krel, and Eli made, Aja, The Queen-in-Waiting of Akiridion-5 steps out of the backstage hesitantly, she peeked her head and smiled but suddenly gasped as the spot light hit her as quick as a larvox, she clasped her script on her chest as she hurriedly walked Infront of the audience, Infront of the mic and took a big breath in, she adjusted the mic's height, tall enough to reach her mouth and greeted.

" Hi-" - the mic screeched as if a cable was attached on the wrong plug, this made krel shake his head, as he expected, Human Tech is far too ' underdeveloped ' and not as advanced as Akiridion-5, this comment made Y/n chuckle.

The noise made Aja step back a bit, she regained her composure and smiled at the audience. She cleared her throat, smiled and greeted again.  " Hi! " She smiled once more as she took in a big breath or what the humans call it, Inhale.

" My name is, Aja Tarron of house Tarron. " Her eyes examined the crowd Infront of her, she felt glad, as these humans are willing to listen.

" And I want to tell you a story, It's a good story! It is Very Lively, with lots of Humors, and excitement. " She moved her hands as she said the word excitement before looking into her script again.

" It begins in some place, very very very Far away from here. " She looked up far away as she said, she glanced at the audience as her Eyes flash a light of Blue.

" On an entirely different planet called, " Her eyes transformed in their original form, Black sclera, Blue beautiful glowing irises and black pupils. " Akiridion-5. "

[ On Akiridion-5 ]

The skeltegs screeched in glory as the only thing in its mind is to defeat it's fellow skelteg and become champion. The skelteg with a pink color on the tip of its body screeched as it's opponent a blue skelteg screeched also, circling around the skelteg arena. The two blue creatures kept on fighting with Akiridion's cheering on the thrilling fight, - " 20 on the Win! " An Akiridion yelled, bidding.

The thrilling fight went on but then, it got broken by the one and only, Luug. Killing one of the Skeltegs as they run away from their Owner.

Luug ran far right ahead with the Akiridion with a cloak following. " Luug! Come back here, Right now! "

she yelled at her pet in fury who seems to be carrying a Serrator not even bothering to say sorry to the owner of the Skelteg. " You crushed my Skill tech! " The owner of the Skelteg yelled, but it seems that Akiridion didn't hear, and kept on running after Luug. " Come back ere'!! "

The Akiridion kept on running and Running only to be stopped by the roads of Akiridion-5 giving Luug the advantage to run father away. This made the Akiridion irritated as her cloak hiding her Royal identity, falls. She groaned as she puts the hood back on at the same time, looking for her pet, she spotted Luug in a busy Alley with Akiridion's and Blanks doing their own Duty at the busy planet of Akiridion-5.

She Swiftly ran through the road jumping on top of one or two of the Akiridion's vehicle like a Larvox, " Sorry! Lost pet! " She chuckled nervously finally catching up to Luug.

" You know Luug, You're ruining a perfectly Lively Day! " Aja yelled at her pet swiftly dodging an Akiridion who yelled ' Hey! ' at her fast speed.

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