Moving Day.

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Season 2. ☆ Episode 1, Moving Day.

Left vulnerable after the Omen's attack, The Royal heirs look to conceal their damaged Ship but are soon confronted by the Bounty Hunter Magmatron.

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[ 3rd Person P.O.V ]

" Good evening, Arcadia Oaks! "

A man greeted through the radio on an active night, the people of Arcadia were busy doing repairs and adapting to the new changes the world had given them. A peace between Humans and Troll kind, and who knows maybe Akiridion's too.

" It's been two weeks since that night. You know the one. The one we never talk about, but I'm talking about now. Yeah. "

The man added, construction people were busy clearing up the stone remains and other rubles that the evil trolls have left behind. Toby was making his way quickly to Eli's house, going pass the bridge and passing by the police cars and construction where the powerful beam shot out of the sky.

" And everyone has been working hard to finish repairs on our little town. Good job, everybody. Didn't I say Arcadia would never be the same after the Battle of the Bands? "

The man chuckled. " Gene, dude, you owe me ten bucks, man! "

He chuckled again but this time it sounded quite forced. " I'm just kidding. But seriously, am I? Ten bucks, please, seriously. "

" Hopefully, that's the last of the weirdness here in Arcadia. " The man added as Eli stared down at his research. He then lets out a gasp when something collided at the side of their house.

" Just remember folks, what really happened that night is our town's little secret. Shh! " Letting out a tiny little gasp, Eli walked closer to his open window. He stared outside, resting his hand on the frame of the window before letting out a yelp as Toby appeared in front of him.

" A thousand texts! You sent me, like a thousand texts! " Toby complained, showing all the thousand texts Eli on his phone. He then lets out a groan as he drops inside of Eli's room.

Eli stepped aside before placing his hands on Toby's shoulders a secton he stood up. " Steve wasn't answering my calls. I have to tell someone. " He said Lowly, slightly shaking Toby by his shoulders.

Toby pushed him back softly. " What, that your voice dropped? " he asked Sarcastically before looking elsewhere.

" Man, I'm still waiting for mine to do that. Why is it so dark in here? " he asked, looking around the dim room.

Eli placed his hands on his shoulders again with his eyebrows furrowed. " Focus, Toby! " He exclaimed.

" Okay, okay! Tell me what? " Toby raised his hands in defeat, looking at Eli. He knew Trolls exists now, what more does he want.

" Something that's gonna rock your world, Toby. " Eli said Lowly as he remained a hard eye contact with Toby's eyes. He then took a flashlight out of nowhere and opened it right under his chin.

" Things in this town are not what they seem. " He said lowly, waving his hand as he talked. Toby placed a hand on his chin, listening to him with a grin on his face.

" Really? Was the huge ray of light shooting up from the canals your first clue? " Toby asked, opening his arms. His comment sounded sarcastic.

" That's just the tip of the iceberg. Check it. " Eli walked towards his big poster of Alien ships, pulling it down to reveal a board that's filled with extraordinary information like Trolls, Monsters, Aliens, etc.

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