Truth Be Told. ( Pt. 3 )

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[ 3rd Person P.O.V]

( In the Zeron Brotherhood's Ship. )

" Come on. " Y/n held her hand out for Krel who nodded and accepted her hand before walking out of the cockpit.

They quietly followed their tracks back to the place where they were placed in before as Alpha made his way to the room with his hands on his back. " Hand over the cores, Varvatos. " He ordered.

" Where are the Royal Children? " Varvatos asked firmly, not giving the briefcase to the Hunter.

" Held in the cockpit. " Alpha lied while not breaking eye contact. Krel and Y/n furrowed their eyebrows as they listened to the conversation.

Alpha took out his Serrator showing it to Varvatos. " Now, I shall not ask again. " he said, shaking his head slightly..

Varvatos groaned in response. " The king and queen, as you wish. " He held the briefcase up before placing it to the ground, pushing it to make it slide to Alpha's side.

Krel gripped Y/n's hand tightly before opening the gate. He cannot let his Mama and Papa be taken away by a few dirty crestons Morando used. " Krel. " Y/n called out as the gate Infront of them opened.

" Your honesty will be your downfall. " Alpha said as he stepped on the briefcase with his paw.

Y/n glared at the Hunter feeling Krel's hand on her shoulder signing her to aim and she did. " Stay away from my parents. " Krel said as the gun Y/n was holding started to power up.

Alpha only glanced at them for a secton. " Krel, Y/n, no! Leave this place! " Varvatos yelled while Alpha ran towards Y/n who missed her shot after getting pulled back by Krel.

She gasped and let out a grunt as Alpha caught her wrist and threw her across the room, landing on Varvatos' feet. Varvatos quickly helped her up while Krel ran towards the Hunter to attack him, only to get thrown across the room as well.

" Krel! " Y/n called out as she pulled his body close and help him up. Varvatos quickly held the two back as Alpha took the briefcase from the floor.

" No! " Krel yelled as Alpha placed the briefcase on his hand with the other opening it's lock. He laughed and looked at the contents inside.

It was a Bomb and the king and queen.

From chess.

The bomb beeped in its place as the Anger bubbled up inside Alpha. " You lied? " he asked looking at Varvatos. He was shocked at his actions but not a single expression was shown on his face.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as they all stared at Alpha. " Varvatos promised a king and queen. " He corrected before turning the two teens around while Alpha drops the briefcase in shock.

Krel and Y/n crouched down being protected by Varvatos' body and Serrator shield. Krel wrapped his arms around Y/n placing his hands on her ears covering them. " Checkmate. " Varvatos said lowly before the bomb exploded.

Alpha only stared in shock as he stood still when the explosion happened. Krel and Y/n closed their eyes while Varvatos watched the explosion with a glare. That Hunter deserved it.

Little did they know when the explosion happened the Vivisection room was also affected by it and caused a hole making them all scream.

Omega hit the wall as the momentum from the outside tries to suck them out while Bessie the cow just walked it off like a boss.

" This sucks! " Steve complained as he held on tightly to an equipment attached somewhere and is strong enough to handle his weight.

" Literally! " Aja yelled back as she held on a metal surface with one hand. Omega tried to crawl her way back to Aja, releasing out a growl.

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