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I felt drugged. Oh God, I shouldn't be feeling this.

My stomach swirled and my head spun at the unexplainable delicious sensation that I was experiencing. The feel of Sebastian's warm body against mine, the touch of his hand caressing my back, his greedy lips eating my mouth, and the delicious taste of his tongue transported me to another universe.

The back of my brain told me to pull away.

Careful Sweet, you're getting yourself burned!

But I did not want to listen. There was this strong magnetic force that stopped me from leaving his arms. All my senses were absorbed by him, especially the smell, the touch and the taste... I wanted to completely dissolve into him.

"We're clear," Sebastian whispered against my mouth, and immediately let me go.

Like splashed with cold water, all my senses came back to earth. I was there, standing paralyzed on my feet. My brain was slowly processing what just happened and how to react properly.

"Yeah," my chin lifted so high, together with my walls, "I guess we managed to convince her that we're engaged."

"We did," he said with a wry smile, "I'm also impressed. You're a good kisser."

"Huh?" My brows lifted, then hot flush crept on my face, "oh, I tried harder for our audience."

"You mean, you were acting on that kiss?" his face twisted.

"Of course. We need to act like a real engaged couple."

He let out a sarcastic smile, "then I give you credit for being a good actress. You made me believe that wasn't for show."

"What do you mean," my eyebrows snapped together. Feeling suddenly defensive, I crossed my arms together against my chest.

"I don't know... it felt so real."

My eyes grew big. He shouldn't guess that I was attracted on him and crazily fighting my feelings.

I scoffed, "you think I'm catching feelings for you?"

"I didn't say anything," he shrugged, "you're the one who can answer that."

What the hell is wrong with him, acting so full of himself after we kissed. Did he guess my feelings for him?

My hands balled into fist, hating myself for letting my guard down. I should be the one who stopped the kiss, not him! It looked like I wanted it to go on forever... which, in fact, was true.

"Excuse me," one of my eyebrows rose, "I don't catch feelings easily, I'm numbed. And I'm sure you are too, because it's not your...thing."

"You mean falling in love."

"Exactly!" must he say it loud? This guy is driving me nuts, "getting involved with each other would only complicate things. Besides, we made it clear from the beginning, once this deal is over, we're done."

He sighed, shaking his head, "do you have to bring that dating deal up again? We just kissed, Sweet. Nothing else happened."

Sure. It was just a simple kiss to him. He did it often with different women, it was nothing. While for me, it was a big thing. It marked me as a person. I didn't just kiss anyone, I did it for love.

"Of course it was just a kiss. It doesn't even affect me," I lied, acting defensive.

Sebastian was silent, frowning. Studying me, as I was studying him. It seemed like he was not happy with where our conversation was going.

The Billionaire's Sweet TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now