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"Who's sharing the room with you?" I asked my brother Colton when I saw him alone in the kitchen, scrolling his phone.

It was getting close to midnight. I went downstairs to drink some milk so I could sleep.

"Do you really need to know?" He gave me a disapproving look.

"We're wondering why you never mention him. You're being mysterious."

I went to the fridge and grabbed the bottle of milk.

He clicked his tongue, "that person is a total bore."

"Boring? All you need is to talk to him. Maybe you share some common interests." I poured some milk in the glass and heated it in the microwave.

"Nah, we don't. We're complete opposites, like night and day. Plus, it's tough to talk to someone who comes from a different planet."

"Wait. Are you saying he's an alien?" My eyebrows furrowed, not believing a word he said.

"Finally, you got it." He looked heavenward briefly, then continued scrolling his phone, "so, stop asking about that crazy person, okay? It ruins my mood."

"Okay. So, you have a boring crazy alien as a roommate. Hmm...Interesting." I leaned towards him and asked. "Just tell me his name, and I won't ask anymore."

"Sweet!" He groaned aloud, "just stop."

"Alright, I surrender," I raised my hands. "I'll stop asking."

I sat opposite him, enjoying my hot milk.

"So how's your date with Jace?" He quickly switched to another topic.

We had a fantastic time. We had lunch at this awesome joint called Big Mama's, then we checked out Wonderland.

"Oh yeah. I know Big Mama's. I've been there twice." He nodded, looking satisfied. "Just so you know, I had a really honest conversation with Jace. I asked him what actually happened between you two, why you guys drifted away."

"What's with the sudden interest?"

"I just wanna figure things out. I saw you guys, all young and crazy about each other."

"You know why we ended things. His family moved to China." I took another sip of my milk.

He gave a brief nod. "I asked him why he cheated on you, you know?"

"No way, you didn't." My eyes grew enormous. "You shouldn't have asked. That's too personal!"

"It's okay. He didn't mind at all. In fact, he was glad I asked so he could explain himself. I found out that he didn't really cheat on you."

"Yeah, I know all about it now. Bianca totally took advantage of him when he was drunk."

"She was too aggressive, huh?" His lips twisted. "Same as my roommate."

"Why are you bringing up your roommate again? Are you saying he's super aggressive?"

"You're right," he found it funny and chuckled, "very aggressive in killing me."

"In killing you! That's very concerning, Colton. You should ask your headmaster if you can switch rooms."

"Nope. I'm not going anywhere. I got lucky snagging the room and the bed of NYU's legendary basketball captain, Tim Roberts. I'm gonna be the next legend, you know."

"But you're freaking me out."

"Don't worry, okay? I can take care of myself." He assured me. "Anyway, Erin told me you ended things with Sebastian. Now that you're free, you and Jace can pick up from where you left off."

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by Neilani Alejandrino
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