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Earlier in the plane's bedroom, I lost control of myself. I missed Sweet so badly. I had been dying to kiss her and make love with her. Now, I'm rock hard and aching.

I had to be patient and start right to make this trip the best experience she'd ever had. I'm taking her on the ultimate Parisian getaway and sweeping her off her feet.

First comes Breakfast.

"Wow, this is the most gorgeous charcuterie board breakfast that I've ever laid eyes on." Sweet's eyes grew enormous with excitement.

A charcuterie board sat in front of us. A scrumptious spread of artisanal cheeses, fresh fruits, and gourmet meats, all delicately arranged on a wooden board.

"Try this," I put a piece of creamy brie on her mouth.

"It tastes like heaven," she licked her lower lip, making me freeze for a moment and stare at her mouth.

We sat side by side having breakfast. I focused my attention on her instead of the food. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She looked so fresh and lovely in her yellow summer dress. Her silky and shiny hair cascading beautifully over her shoulders. She wore light makeup with only a trace of her lip gloss left after we kissed earlier. Her effortless beauty had the power to light up my world. Merely being with her filled me with pure happiness.

I wanted to tell her about Mom wanting to meet her, but I saved it later. It was better to engage in interesting conversations and enjoy our meal amidst the clouds.

We started talking about music. We both love Adele, Coldplay and Bruno Mars. Talking about their songs with her was enjoyable.

After we finished our breakfast, we listened to Adele's songs. When Rolling in the Deep played, we both sang together.

"You can sing very well," I said to her. "Have you considered being a singer?"

"Hmm, I used to dream about it when I was young. I used to compose songs too. But now that I'm doing well in blogging, I gave up on that dream."

"I believe you can still pursue that dream. Pretty sure you'll be an exceptional singer, since you also compose songs."

"Well, I'm not closing the door, though. Let's see what the future holds," she shrugged her shoulders, "you sing very well too, you know."

I chuckled aloud.

"I practiced in the bathroom after I got humiliated for singing out of tune on stage during grade school. Remember that video that grandma Pia showed you? That's the one."

"Yeah, I remember," she laughed.

"You're laughing at me." I pretended to have a sad face, and she laughed aloud.

The sound of her laughter was like music in my ears. I enjoyed making her laugh, so I was telling her dad jokes.

"Why do celebrities keep cool?" I asked her.

"Oh no," she shook her head, "I know the answer to that one. They have many fans."

My lips twisted, and she roared into laughter.

The rest of the day was fun. It was fascinating to learn new things about her, like her other favorite singers, from the 80s hits. Bryan Adams, Phil Collins, Whitney Houston, and especially her top fave, Angela Bofill.

It totally captivated me when Sweet sang Bofill's song, Tonight I Give In. It was the first time I heard her really sing. Her voice was so beautiful, so pure and full of emotion, that it felt like it was piercing straight through my heart. Every lyric and melody made me feel a whole range of emotions all at once. It touched my heart and soul that no one else did.

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