Chapter 70

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Luo Shaoyuan's warning to the army group was not early enough. By the time her message was sent, the army group had already come under attack. Half-height mechanical dogs appeared out of nowhere and attacked them at an unbelievable speed. Even the well-trained army group suffered many casualties under such a surprise attack.

These machines are small in size and fast in speed. Even if the army group has light guns, they cannot completely hit them. Moreover, this series of machines always need to break their brain chips to be defeated.

Not long after flying over Luo Huan and Ji Yue, they received news of attacks on the mine, administrative center, and port. These three places gathered a large number of army groups, especially the Western Union Army.

The North District had just fought a battle with the Gashloro people on the border not long ago. Zuo Dihong could not come over and could only draw a winter army from one brigade. In addition, they informed the Western District of the Silver and Blue matter and requested that the army group there come to help.

Of course, the Western District also requested to share some benefits.

The North District is guarding the border, and one brigade is already the limit. But the Western District is now stable and has directly sent a division of the Western Union Army, squeezing the Western Jiang Exile Star full.

"Most of the Western Union Army is in the administrative center and port," Ji Yue said. "There are too many people sent by the Western District. If they suffer heavy losses here, it will pose a great risk to the stability of the Western border."

The Western District can call so many army groups to come, and there must be people defending against the Gashloro Empire on the border. However, army groups are not formed overnight. Once so many Western Union Army soldiers are lost on the Western Jiang Exile Star, the combat effectiveness of the Western District will inevitably be greatly reduced. If the Gashloro Empire wants to launch a strong attack on the Western border in the future, it will definitely be much easier.

Ren Pingbo's plan is really ruthless.

"Let's go to the port," Zuo Luohuan said.There are no other options, they can only directly face the new generation of robotic dogs developed by the Gashero people.

At this moment, Ji Yuezhi received a communication from Ji Xixiu. He hesitated for a moment before answering in front of Zuo Luohuan.

"Our people obtained the latest information from Gashero." Ji Xixiu obviously already knew the current situation on the Western River Exile Star. "That kind of robotic dog is the third generation developed by the Gashero people. It doesn't need light guns or curved blades to attack, its entire body can be used as a weapon. I'll send you a short video."

In the video, it should be a corner of the laboratory, with a silver-white robotic dog standing on its four humanoid limbs, facing a second-generation robotic dog.

The second-generation robotic dog fired its light gun frantically at the third generation, but the third generation was not very large and moved too quickly. In the end, it actually pounced on the second generation in the midst of the gunfire. Its palms suddenly sprouted hooks, which it used to stab into the second generation's body. At the same time, its neck could extend, its mouth opened wide, and its serrated teeth bit towards the second generation's head, biting it off directly. It kept chewing and finally spat out the crushed remains.

With hooks on its palms, an extendable neck, and particularly sharp teeth, combined with extremely fast movement speed, this thing has extremely high killing power.

"The most crucial point is that our people brought a message." Ji Xixiu looked deeply at his son. "If the third generation loses its chip, it will explode, with a range of at least a hundred meters."

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