Chapter 74

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Originally, Zuo Luohuan only opened the door halfway, holding onto the doorknob and ready to close it at any moment. She had only come over to make the person outside leave, but she didn't expect it to be Ji Yuezhi. He stood in front of the door, looking at her with his beautiful and clean eyes, and there was a hint of shower fragrance on him, which she didn't really like.

As she listened to Ji Yuezhi's words, Zuo Luohuan was distracted by the thought that the fragrance wasn't as pleasant as iris, and when she heard him say that he got the suppressant from Xiang Chengping, she became even more agitated.

Since their freshman year, Ji Yuezhi's name had often been associated with Xiang Chengping. Everyone used to think he would become an Alpha, and Zuo Luohuan didn't think much of it. But now that Ji Yuezhi was an Omega...just the thought of him borrowing suppressants while Xiang Chengping was in his sensitive period made her feel uneasy.

If an Alpha in their sensitive period had an Omega's pheromones to soothe them, they would remain calm. But they were both young and single Alphas, and it was strange if they didn't think too much when they saw an Omega during this time.

The person in front of her was still saying, "...should I call Dr. Fang?"

The tension in Zuo Luohuan's heart suddenly snapped, and she pulled him inside and closed the door in an instant. She pressed her long legs against Ji Yuezhi's legs and leaned her head against his posterior neck gland. "Yuezhi, I told you a few days ago that S-class suppressants don't work for me. Don't you remember?"

The Alpha's hot breath burned against her posterior neck gland, carrying a strong threat. As long as the Omega's gland was fine, they would be alert and push away the Alpha.

Ji Yuezhi didn't push Zuo Luohuan away, but instead turned his face to look at her.

The two were too close, and his nose accidentally brushed against Zuo Luohuan's cheek. His long lashes trembled, and he looked up at her with a somewhat innocent and pure expression. "I would work, you don't look well."

Being so close, Zuo Luohuan could smell the pheromones on Ji Yuezhi's body, hidden beneath the shower fragrance, faint but tempting.With one hand holding onto him and the other pressing hard against the door, Zuo Luohuan's knuckles turned white with the effort. She could smell the faint scent of iris and gritted her teeth, almost tasting the metallic tang of blood in her mouth, before finally releasing him and preparing to let him go.

At this moment, Ji Yuezhi asked softly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine, it'll pass in a while." Zuo Luohuan had already let go and leaned her head back, creating some distance between them, ready to take a step back.

But Ji Yuezhi reached out and grabbed her, saying, "You helped me before, now I can help you."

Zuo Luohuan was not pleased, and a fierce anger rose in her forehead. "Whoever helps you with a temporary marking, you have to help them once?"

Ji Yuezhi leaned against the door, turned his head to look at Zuo Luohuan, and didn't answer her question. Instead, he asked, "You said you would tell me a secret, I want to hear it."

Zuo Luohuan hesitated.

During the sensitive period of an Alpha, their temper would be more irritable than usual, and their emotions would be more exposed.

Ji Yuezhi stared at Zuo Luohuan, not missing any emotion on her face. Suddenly, he smiled, like a blooming flower in the snow.

Zuo Luohuan was dazzled by his smile, and the next second, Ji Yuezhi stepped forward, his whole body pressing into her embrace, and his lips pressed against hers.The room was filled with the sweet fragrance of irises.

"Are you feeling better now?" Ji Yuezhi's lips brushed against Zuo Luohuan's as he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

Zuo Luohuan tilted her head back to avoid his childish touch and pressed her hand against his chin. "Ji Yuezhi, has no one ever told you that your acting skills are terrible?"

As a straight-A student who never skipped class, Zuo Luohuan wondered how an alpha in his sensitive period could not know what he needed.

Ji Yuezhi remained silent and watched her quietly.


The higher the alpha's rank, the more severe their sensitive period. If a room filled with the fragrance of irises and a willing omega at his doorstep did not elicit a response from the alpha, there was probably something wrong.

Zuo Luohuan suddenly lowered her head and kissed him fiercely, biting his lips roughly but gently sucking on his tongue. Ji Yuezhi wrapped his arms around her, drawing closer to the alpha in a sacrificial gesture.

The omega's body was like a soft cloud, hot and wet as they kissed. The alpha couldn't bear to let go, loosening his grip slightly to let the omega breathe before kissing them again.

"Is this intentional?" Zuo Luohuan pressed her finger against Ji Yuezhi's lips, grinding them down slowly as she listened to his ragged breaths.Ji Yuezhi was very obedient, half-lowering his long eyelashes, letting Zuo Luohuan move in front of him without saying a word, as if he wasn't the one who had just rubbed against him, and deliberately arousing Alpha's desire was not him.

Zuo Luohuan used his index and middle fingers to pry open Ji Yuezhi's lips, and touched the Omega's soft and hot tongue, asking in a somewhat malicious tone, "Why aren't you talking?"

Ji Yuezhi looked up at Zuo Luohuan, different from his previous suppressed and restless state. His eyes were now filled with a strong desire, and his gaze was both deep and fierce.

The Omega gently closed his lips and obediently wrapped his tongue around Zuo Luohuan's fingers. His long eyelashes trembled violently, making the Alpha, who had shown a bit of aggression, stunned.

"That's enough." The Alpha withdrew his fingers, and the Omega did not try to hold on, obediently opening his mouth.

Zuo Luohuan withdrew his two fingers, which were now wet with saliva, and kissed Ji Yuezhi's lips again, but this time much more gently.

The Alpha carried the Omega to the bed, pressing him down and rubbing and kissing his neck gland, as if reluctant to bite too hard. He nibbled on the soft flesh slowly, but never left a mark.

The Omega couldn't stand the slow and deliberate teasing, and his whole body turned red. He occasionally tried to struggle, but was ultimately held down fiercely by the Alpha.

The room gradually became covered in ice and snow, and the cold breath stuck to the Omega's body, perfectly relieving the heat that had built up inside him.

Ji Yuezhi became somewhat addicted to rubbing against the Alpha behind him, wanting her to release more pheromones. The scent of iris became sweeter and sweeter, mixed with the taste of ice and snow, gradually becoming another kind of sweet scent with a hint of moisture."Yue Zhi..." suddenly shouted Zuo Luohuan.

"Hmm?" Ji Yuezhi wanted more pheromones from her and turned his head to look at Zuo Luohuan's face.

But the next second, he was held down by Zuo Luohuan, who deeply bit Ji Yuezhi's gland and poured her own pheromones into him.

The dominant and overbearing alpha pheromones suddenly rushed in, and the omega's whole body stiffened. He felt a sharp pain in his neck gland, followed by a sensation of his entire body being immersed in icy breath.

The omega willingly submitted to the alpha, and the two pheromones gradually merged together, creating an ambiguous atmosphere in the room.

After a long time, Zuo Luohuan's restlessness subsided. She released Ji Yuezhi's neck gland and pulled him up. His forehead was covered in fine sweat, and she wiped it off for him.

"Don't do this kind of thing next time." Zuo Luohuan didn't expect Ji Yuezhi to...arouse her like this.

"What thing?" Ji Yuezhi leaned on Zuo Luohuan's shoulder, with a tired expression on his face. He wasn't in his heat period, and Zuo Luohuan was the top alpha. This temporary marking was very exhausting for him.

Zuo Luohuan covered his eyes with her hand and whispered, "Rest early."

That secret was not revealed tonight.

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