Chapter 118.

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Zuo Luohuan pulled the person into her arms and helped him take off his messy clothes. Ji Yuezhi probably held a grudge against her for forcefully pulling his hand earlier and bit her shoulder when he opened his mouth, but he stopped halfway and instead licked her through the white shirt to soothe her.

Zuo Luohuan tilted her head and watched his actions, unable to help but laugh. She took his hand and placed it on her collar, saying in a teasing tone, "Whatever Yuezhi wants, he should come and take it himself."

Ji Yuezhi looked up slightly, pursing his lips as he gazed at Zuo Luohuan for a moment. After deciphering her meaning, he trembled as he reached to undo her buttons.

However, he couldn't even undo his own clothes, let alone Zuo Luohuan's shirt buttons.

Ji Yuezhi managed to undo two buttons but was too weak to pull Zuo Luohuan's clothes off. He looked into her eyes and said, "I...can't do it," his voice trembling with a hint of tears.

The heat of passion left him feeling weak and sore, and the Alpha pheromones surrounding him made him feel inexplicably aggrieved.

Zuo Luohuan grabbed his hand and finally suppressed the Alpha instincts that had been stirring within her. She lowered her head and kissed his pale, pink-tinted fingers, saying, "It's okay, I'll do it."

As an Omega in heat, she was sensitive and delicate. This was their first time being together, and she didn't want to leave a bad impression on him.

Zuo Luohuan used one hand to undo her own shirt and the other to hold onto Ji Yuezhi, preventing him from falling.

At this point, Ji Yuezhi clung tightly to her, placing his hands on her shoulders and offering his lips to her.Left Luo Huan kissed him passionately, not bothering to take off her own clothes, but instead stripping Ji Yue Zhi's clothes off completely, to which he cooperated willingly.

"...Luo Huan?" Ji Yue Zhi knelt on the bed with his back to Left Luo Huan, her hand holding onto his narrow waist to prevent him from slipping.

However, not being able to see Left Luo Huan in this position made him extremely insecure, and he couldn't help but turn his head and call out to her.

Despite being taller than the average Omega, Ji Yue Zhi possessed all the features of an Omega after differentiation, with fair skin, a slender waist, and long legs. With his back turned to Left Luo Huan, the swaying of his hips as he turned his head exuded endless charm.

Left Luo Huan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but quickly regained her composure and embraced him, letting him lean against her as she kissed his earlobe. Her cool lips lingered on his neck, soothing him, before she whispered softly, "What's wrong?"

Ji Yue Zhi tried to turn his head to look at the person behind him, tightly gripping Left Luo Huan's arm and trembling slightly as he said, "I want... to watch you."

Left Luo Huan responded, "Okay, watch me."

She flipped Ji Yue Zhi over and laid him face up on the bed, placing a pillow under his lower back to make him more comfortable.

Ji Yue Zhi bit his lip, his beautiful, moist eyes gazing up at Left Luo Huan above him. The distance between them seemed too far.

Left Luo Huan propped herself up on one hand beside his head, seeming to understand Ji Yue Zhi's thoughts. She leaned down and kissed his lips, parting his teeth and soothingly murmuring, "It'll be more comfortable for you this way, since it's your first time."When Ji Yuezhi aced his physiology class, he naturally knew that Luo Huan was right. His posture just now and his current position would make it easier for Alpha to enter smoothly, and Omega would suffer less.

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