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Before the Cafe.......

"I'm home"Beryl called out as he entered the hall.He placed his keys in his bag and threw it on the couch before sitting with a tired sigh.His lectures were finally over and he was dying for something to eat.Lectures really take a toll on the body.

"Mom? Nanny Rena? Anyone home?"The omega called out.This is wierd.The house has never been this quiet.At least someone has to be around.

Maybe they're gone out,Beryl thought.But it couldn't be all of them,right?

Maybe his father is around,he could be in his office.Should he go greet him?

Nah,Food matters right now

The omega shrugged off the thought.He'll see them around soon enough.Right now food is calling to him.The omega headed to the kitchen in a hungry daze and fished out a frozen lasagna in the fridge.He heated it up and ate on the kitchen island.

Now that he's happy and full,Beryl decided to greet his father.

If he's even around.

He turned around to see his nanny who entered the kitchen struggling with a bundle of groceries.Beryl quickly got up to help her.

"Nanny ,you know you shouldn't be carrying stuff on your own.The doctor warned you."Beryl argued.

"Thank you my sweet boy"Rena breathed, ignoring the omega's complaint.Beryl huffed in frustration and placed the bundle on the kitchen island.

"You must be hungry.I'll prepare something for you to eat.Anything you fancy?"Rena asked.The omega just shook his head and smiled at her.Nanny Rena is such a sweet woman with a warm personality.Beryl couldn't be happier than to have her as his nanny.

"No thanks Nana,I've already eaten.You should rest"

Beryl was about to leave when his nanny stopped him

"Your mother said she's out with some old friends so she won't be back for a few hours"

"What about Damien and Dad?"

"Your brother hasn't come back since last night but I believe your father is in his office.He did mention having a meeting with Mr Walters"


The omega decided to go for a quick nap before working on his project.He walked past his father's office to his room.Hearing the laughter of his father and Mr Walters,he could tell they were having a good conversation.

"Isn't it about time your son got married"

Beryl froze in his steps.


It's too early for marriage.He's not even done with college.Absolutely no way is he going to marry a snobby elite.Being one is already a pain,marrying one will basically be his ticket to hell.

"You're right,your son would be a perfect match for Beryl"

Perfect match?

What bullshit is this?

It's enough that people are already starting to wonder who the second son of Andre Quinn is,and the plan was not to be seen by the public with his family.

What happened to that plan?

He was glad enough that the media isn't up in his face.This arranged marriage is not what he needs

There's no way he's going to let that happen.What pisses him off the most is how casually they're taking about his future like he's just a pawn in their game.

The omega in all his rage barged into his father's office with no warning.The two older men looked to the door.Mr Walters' face was flushed red as if caught in an inappropriate act,Andre Quinn had a stoic face,as always.

"Hello Father"

"Beryl my dear boy,glad you're here.You know Mr Walters don't you?"

Beryl glanced at Mr Walters and gave a curt nod.

"He has a son who is interested in you and I approve"Andre said with no room for argument,as always.The heartless bastard

Times like this makes the omega wish his father just drop dead.A terrible wish for a child to make,yes.But he just couldn't bother to care at this moment

"Well I don't.I've never seen the guy before"

Like the universe wanted to mess with him,a man entered the room.Andre smiled.Beryl looked at his father with confusion drawn on his face.The block of stone actually smiled.

"Collin,glad you could make it.This is Beryl,my son."

Beryl looked at the man addressed as Collin.An alpha with ginger coloured hair,blue eyes and dressed in a deep blue suit.The alpha smirked and winked at him.Cute,but no.He's not going to marry a stranger just because his dad said so.

He's not Damien.

"It's a pleasure meeting you"

Beryl plastered a fake smile.Great,now he's going to have to pretend to like him.

"Pleasure's all mine.....Collin"

"Why don't you take him to the garden? I'm sure you'll get along just fine"

The omega glared pointedly at his father but Andre Quinn being the person he is didn't even bother looking at his son.Collin just stood there looking between father and son awkwardly.

To be honest he liked the omega very much despite meeting for only a couple of minutes.His tough like attitude only made the alpha crave him.He wasn't like the other omegas he had met,submissive and obedient.Beryl was bold,confident and wasn't swayed by anyone.

Collin liked that very much.It would be fun to see how he breaks this feisty one.To see him writhing under him and cry as the alpha strips him of his dignity.Before,he wasn't keen on marrying so early in his life.

Irrespective of what his father said he still wouldn't let into the idea of marriage.But after seeing his bride to be,marriage didn't seem like a bad idea after all.Of course he would still live his life like before.This marriage is purely business.Falling in love was out of the equation.

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