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Mason's POV

I watched as Beryl got in the car and left, my heart pounding so hard it I fear it would burst

That psycho aimed a gun to my head! He was more than ready to kill me!

What the hell kind of mate did the universe give that omega?!

The crowd that gathered around the café began to disperse and the customers went back to chatting amongst themselves. Although you could still hear them talking about that crazy alpha.

I can't believe he willingly went with that alpha to god knows where. I could imagine them fighting in the car. Beryl isn't one to just sit still and listen mindlessly to what anyone will say, I only hope he'll be alright.

Esme was oddly quiet after Beryl went with that alpha. All she did was stare at me suspiciously, then after we closed the cafe she started throwing questions at me and literally dragged me to her house

I was already trying to process everything that happened... from telling Beryl about my past with his brother to almost getting shot, it's a lot to take in

"Oh my god Es" I groaned pouring two fingers of whiskey and chugging it down. We were at her house after we closed the café

"Oh c'mon, just answer my questions" the alpha whined.

I cringed at the thought of telling her the same story again. Don't get me wrong, I have no qualms about telling her. She's also a close friend. It's just that... I don't want to open up past wounds.... it took a long time to heal

I just hate myself for falling for him, for believing all the sweet words he said even though it was just in the moment.

I still have to tell her... without breaking down or cringing

And I know it won't be the latter

"It's... about Damien" I blushed, playing with the glass. I need more liquid courage for this

"Beryl's brother.... what about him?" Her face scrunched up with confusion before she finally got it. It's scary how they can catch on to something that fast

"Oh, so that's it" she hummed, tapping her finger on the counter.

At least I didn't cry, even though I feel the familiar heaviness in my throat.

I hate him and I hate myself for doing something so stupid. I wish I could turn back time and stop myself from ever reaching out. I learned the hard way that looks really can be deceiving.

"You wanna talk about it?" She asked walking over to me. I really didn't want to talk about it, going back to that night. Esme and I drank till the dead of night, since it was late Esme decided I stayed over. I really wasn't in the mood to be alone with my thoughts.

"What about Beryl?" She didn't seem fazed by the fact that beryl just left with that alpha. I know that's his mate.... but I will not acknowledge that, not until I know beryl is safe

"He'll be fine, I know it" she shrugged and threw back the whiskey shot.

"How can you say that? That crazy guy aimed a gun to my head!"

"You stopped him from taking his mate. I'm not saying what he did was good but you know that no one stops an alpha from being with their mate" I knew she'd say that, she was always the rational one among us.

"But he had a gun"

She shrugged and downed another glass. "I've seen a lot of crazy things so that's nothing new. I'm sure Beryl can handle him"

"How are you so calm about this?"

"I'd do the same thing if I was him..... without the gun that is. I'm an alpha mace, alphas are wild when it comes to mates"

" You're crazy, you know that"

"Aww thank you! I think of it as an achievement" she smiled proudly

They're both crazy

Esme dropped me off at my house the next day.

"You gonna be alright?" she asked whe she parked in front of my house. She has been soft around me ever since I told her about Damien

"I'll be alright, you don't have to worry" She sighed and looked at me, rolling her eyes and kissed my cheek.

"See ya" I waved her and she drove off. I really hope beryl will be okay

Beryl's POV

The car ride was quiet and heavy with tension. The chauffeur kept looking between the road and the alpha, sweating bullets. I spent most of it glaring at the alpha who kidnapped me in broad daylight. Is this something alphas do when they find their mate.... drag them to wherever with no explanation.

"You're angry" he stated looking out the window. He hasn't looked me in the eyes since we got in the car

I rolled my eyes and scoffed "No shit Sherlock. I'm glad you picked up on that"

He turned to look at me and I found myself trapped in his eyes. Grey storms of lust swimming in them. Unconsciously I found myself leaning in, looking between his eyes and lips

Just a little more

I snapped myself out of it and pulled back the moment he did, blushing like hell

What the hell beryl?! You were mad at him a second ago...

I can't believe I almost kissed him. Bruce cleared his throat and looked away. "I had my reasons"

"Of course you do, everyone has a reason for kidnapping" I deadpanned

"Your life was in danger"he stated the obvious. Ever since I left home I've always been watched, be it my father or some guy wanting to scare me.

His fists were clenched and anger rolled off him in waves. I swallowed my reply and kept quiet, looking out the window. If I continued with my reply, he'd never let me leave.

If I ever get to leave

We finally stopped at a mansion miles away from the city.

Guards situated at the gates opened them as soon as the car came into view. A water fountain stood in the middle with roses around it. The car was parked at the from door. the chauffeur stepped out and opened the door for me, closing it once I got out.

The interior decor had a mix of Victorian era and modern style. I was impressed.... not to be stereotypical but not all mafia houses have such a style to it. I could be wrong though.

"Who is this?"

A blonde with blue eyes glared at me. I gave her a once over and smiled, reaching my hand out. She looked at it and walked towards my mate, wrapping her arms around him and placing a kiss on his cheek.

She looks like she wants to meet her maker today

"Victoria..." Bruce groaned, pulling her away from him. Victoria looked sad, jutting out her bottom lip to look cute. I felt the sudden urge to bash her face in.

She looked between Bruce and I, confused before rolling her eyes and stepping back

"Really? Him? That's your mate? That's what you left me for?"

She really wants to cross over

Bruce glared at her and pushed her away. "You will not disrespect my mate" he snarled. Bitchy Vicky looked mad and walked away not before shouldering me.

Bruce tried talking to me but I completely shut him out as the maid led me to a guest bedroom. He was angry that I didn't want to share a room with him, that's what he gets for sleeping with that blond bimbo.


Thanks for reading 🦋
See you in the next chapter.

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