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Beryl's POV

Throughout breakfast I couldn't pay attention to anything Lucas or Bloody said to me. All I could think about was that stupid alpha and his lips descending on mine. I could feel the heat rise up in my cheek when I thought of what was to come later on

No no no, don't do that.

After breakfast I ignored my brain and body telling me to go and see my idiot of a mate and went to the library to borrow a book to read at the garden. If not for the people living here you'd think it's just an ordinary mansion.

Halfway through the book a figure appeared in my line of sight

Can I be left alone for just a minute?!

I looked up to see the blond bimbo glaring at me.

"Can I help you?"

"Let me make this clear..... Bruce is mine. Jus because you happen to be his mate doesn't mean he's going to choose you" the dumb bitch sneered. I sighed and placed the book beside me, giving the bitch my full attention. I'm really not in the mood to bash a skull but she's really pushing me to it. Her blood would look ugly on the morning glory

"I allowed you to disrespect me one time, and you think that means you can talk to me however you see fit?" I stepped forward making her step back. I'm done being nice. If she wants a fight, she's got one

"We're both omegas so I have no qualms in hitting you so try me one. more. time" I glared at her making her shrink back. A moment of fear shadowed her face.

"If you so much as lay a finger on me, Bruce will kick you out" she tried to threaten me. I have been wondering when I can go home so this is the perfect opportunity. If he kicks me out that's his loss and I can go home.

I smiled and prowled towards her. "Let's test that, shall we?"

She turned to ran but I grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked it back, making her scream. There wasn't any guards or workers around and I was glad for that.

I dragged her while she tried breaking free. The gardener and guards came out of the mansion and watched with mouths agape as I dragged her. One of the guards tried to stop me and I shot him a death glare making him back off. I kept dragging her till my arm got tired and threw her on the ground.

She sobbed and wailed for everyone to gather around. The maids covered their laughter with coughs, the guards watched with shocked faces and Kyle looked at me with an unreadable expression before chuckling.

Bruce came minutes later and watched as the bitc– I'm sorry, victoria cried about her hair and how much pain she was in.

"I can't believe he touched me! You're crazy!"

"Relax, I only pulled your hair. At least you don't have a broken nose" I rolled my eyes at her theatrics. I could feel him looking at me and paid no mind to it. He told one of the maids to send the wailing bitch to her room and grabbed my arm, pulling me to the direction of his office.

I know I should be scared, with how angry he looks and his grip getting tighter on my arm but I'm not. When we reached the office he yanked me in and locked the door, releasing my hand and still glaring at me.

"If she didn't piss me off none of this would have ha–"

His lips came crashing down on mine in a deliciously bruising way making me squeak in suprise. His tongue swiped my bottom lip for access and I gladly accepted. Roaming hands grabbed my butt and gave it a hard squeeze before hoisting me up, my legs automatically wrapped tightly around his waist. After minutes of hard kissing he pulled away and went for my neck, nipping and sucking.

"Mine" he rasped on my skin making me shiver in delight and moan lowly.

"All mine"

Mason's POV

I dared to spare a glance at the alpha seated infront of me with her arms crossed and a sour expression etched across her face

"Look, it's not my fault"

"Of course it's not, you just invited him in right after he landed in his rut" she replied flatly

"You're talking like I wanted it to happen!"

She looked at me with an expression I didn't like being directed at me.
"Mace, I don't know the full story.... but you know this isn't good. This is Damien Quinn we're talking about."

She's right. I know it's a very bad idea to get tangled in bed with him of all people. I sighed and grabbed the glass of red wine downing it in a go.

"I know. I just.... I don't understand why I keep letting him in" I whispered.

Esme walked around the table to give me a long hard hug and kissed my forehead before seeing herself out.

It was raining heavily when I was having a wonderful and cozy sleep and that's when I heard a knock on the door. Groaning I got up and checked my bedside clock

2am in the fucking morning?!

"This better be worth it" I grumbled and angrily got out of bed, stomping to the door

"Why the fuck are you...." I cut myself off when I saw Damien standing in front of me drenched in rain.

"I can't keep doing this" he rasped before releasing his pheromones. It didn't smell like the lavender one he usually smelt like.

This one was different....homey.

I looked into his eyes and they were no longer the warm hazel eyes I know. They were darker, and....purple?!

Damien is my mate?!


Another chapter up!!

Hope you like it and thanks for reading 🦋

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