Chapter- 5 weird

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Naina's Pov

I was sleeping peacefully until my phone decided to disturb me by ringing continuously. I tried to sleep even after hearing that sound, but it was ringing for the last 15 minutes, not allowing me to have my beauty sleep. I groaned and looked at the caller id and its Pooja.

"I swear, Pooja, if it is not an important thing, I will shave your head," I hissed.

"Babe, I called you to ask about the decoration of the reception hall. Is it completed or not?", she asked.

"No. we still need to complete a few things," I replied.

"What are you doing, then? Go and complete it, the reception is not tomorrow but this evening," she urged me to go.

"Ok,ok, calm down. I will go now," I assured her.

"Why she has to be my friend? Ugg", I mumbled to myself looking back at my pillow which is attracting me to sleep few more minutes.

I once again glanced at my bed debating whether to do bed or not. There are chips packets which I completed last night, then a few other snacks which I half ate and my laptop, there is so much mess I need to clean if I want to do bed. Finally, I decided to leave it like always and went to the washroom to clean myself.

I walked out of the washroom wearing a robe after having my concert.... I mean taking a shower and opened my wardrobe to look for clothes to wear.

As soon as I opened the wardrobe all my clothes fell on my feet. I took out a black jeans and maroon shirt from the pool of clothes along with my inner wears then neatly put back all the clothes in the wardrobe as it is (note the sarcasm).

I wore clothes and dried my hair and tied it in a pony. I put on some lotion and lipstick then put the bottle on the bed and lipstick on the bag before heading out to have my breakfast which is prepared by Payal.

When I reached the kitchen, she was almost done making Maggie. We both had our breakfast in the kitchen itself then she went to sleep and I came outside not before kicking my feet to the couch in the living room and my elbow to the door.
This is me, the clumsiest and most messy girl but I can't help it. 

No one is perfect... or am I wrong, is there anyone who is perfect?

Arnav's POV

"Yes, I am here", I responded to Ajay who called me after getting into my room.

"Why are you here?", I asked him once he reached me, inside the walk-in closet.

"I am here to see you," he said, taking out the watch from its box.

"Now you have seen me, just go", I replied not interestingly and took back the watch from him and put it back on the box neatly.

"Such a jerk you are", he sneered.
"A handsome jerk".

Ajay has been my best friend for years. Our parents are family friends so we became best friends when we were still in grade school as we grew up together. As you already guessed, he works for me.

I huffed at him and put on some perfume then put it back in its place. I am that kind of person who doesn't like to misplace things and I don't really like it messy. I want everything in its place and perfect.

"You are perfect, man. But why are you wearing casuals, are you not coming to the office?", he asked.

"No", I replied.

"Why?", he asked again.

I am going to decorate a random function hall with the woman I met yesterday, whom I have known for years, leaving all my meetings.
Of course, I didn't tell him all these.

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