Chapter- 33 confession?

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Sorry for the late update😇

I thought you guys would make it to 50 votes atleast but it's ok.. I think I don't deserve your votes 🙂

Thank you very much to those 30 people who took their time to vote and thanks to the people who commented...

Happy reading ❤


Naina's POV

"Let's take the last call. Hello", I said, knowing Arnav would be the last caller. As expected, it was him.

"Hello, Naina", he replied and his voice sounded devastated.

"Hello, Mr, I know you won't say your name, so what do you want to say now?" I asked.

My heart started racing as soon as I hear his voice.

"I want to say something to my butterfly, can I?" I asked.

"Yes, go ahead", I replied, thinking he will apologize again, but to my surprise he didn't apologize but confessed.

"Butterfly, you asked me who you are to me? And What I feel about you, right...? Here is the answer to your question..."

"I feel you as my mother when you feed me...

I feel you as my father when you scold me...

I feel you as my sibling when you fight with me for food...

I feel you as my friend when you take care of me...

I feel you as my girlfriend when you walk with me under the romantic moonlight...

I feel you as my wife when you are there for me when no one else...

I feel you as my well-wisher when you suggest me what to do

I feel you as an angel when you come into my dark life like a little star.

I feel you as a queen... my queen when you stood for me to protect me

I feel you are the definition of love when you taught me how to love..."

He completed, making me cry. Does he really mean it?

"I hope your butterfly hears this", I commented, holding back my tears.

"Thank you for the call, Mr. Hero. Goodbye", I said.

"Good night, butterfly take care", he commented and I disconnected the call.

"Ok folks, it's time to say good bye. Good night and take care. This is RJ Naina, signing off for today. Tata bye bye", I ended the show with a song.

As soon as I switched off the mike, I sobbed covering my face in my palms. I cried my heart out before taking my stuff and getting out of the RJ station.

I looked for him when I came out but he was not there. He didn't come today.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the bus stop alone. Every day he used to come even after I ignored him and he used to follow me home and he only went only after confirming I was in the house.

He thought I didn't know that but I know it.

I sighed as I got off the bus and started walking to my home.

There he is waiting for me at the entrance of our street.

My heart started beating fast as soon as I saw him but I ignored him and my heartbeat as I walked past him without looking at him.

"Please forgive me, Naina. I know what I did was a mistake but I loved you and I know you don't even talk to me if I said the truth back then that's why I hid it", he yelled from behind and I stopped my pace.

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