Chapter- 40 First fight

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Authors POV

She was reading in the bedroom while he was in study, busy in work. He was restless as something is wrong with an important project as if that is not enough, his father is pressuring him to break up with Naina and marry Moni. His father was getting on his nerves these days with that marriage proposal.

She thought of having a coffee after reading a whole ass book. When she was passing by his study, she saw how stressed Arnav was, so she thought of giving him a coffee too. A frown on his forehead and frustration on his face told her he was not in a good mood.

"Wait, I will bake some cookies for him. He will be better after having some sweets", she told herself and started preparing the cookies.

She took out the ingredients and prepared batter for the cookies. She poured the mixture in a pan and put it in the microwave then adjusted the temperature.

"It will take thirty minutes so I better bring my phone to kill the time", she said to herself as she walked to the bedroom.

She is not completely moved to his penthouse but she is living there with him most of the time.

She went to the bedroom and took her phone. When she was about to come out, Pooja called her.

"Hello, girl," Naina said soon after picking up the phone.

"You forgot us," Pooja muttered from the other end.

"Yes," Payal agreed.

"It's not like that, girls" Naina remarked and sat on the bed talking to them. She forgot time, of course cookies too. One hour passed while she was talking to them but she didn't realize the cookies were in the microwave.

After another half an hour she remembered her cookies when she smelt something burning. "I forgot about the cookies" she muttered and ran to the kitchen but Naina being Naina hit the table while running and a vase on the table fell down causing a thud sound and that's when Arnav realized something was wrong and walked out hurriedly.

"Glad, she didn't get hurt," he muttered looking at the vase pieces when he didn't find Naina there. But then he heard something from the kitchen and ran towards the kitchen.

It was a mess with floor and batter everywhere.

"Naina," he roared when he saw her trying to take out a pan from the oven bare hands. In panic she forgot to wear gloves as her solo concentration is on her cookies which are burnt.

"I was just baking cookies for you, Arnav" she commented and was about to touch the pan again.

"Stop, are you going to touch it with bare hands?" he muttered madly.

"Oh, I forgot," she smiled sheepishly as she took a cloth from the counter and tried to take out the pan but accidently her fingertip touched the pan and she hissed in pain.

He dragged her away from the oven and took out the cookie pan and threw it on the counter with rage.

"Who asked you to bake them? What if you hurt yourself" he shouted madly.

She was taken aback by his yell. She never saw him angry before. The Arnav she knew was sweet and caring always.

"I thought of baking them for you to make your mood better" she stuttered.

"Did I ask you? why on earth you start something which you are not capable of" he yelled in frustration.

"What if something happens to you? You can't even take care of yourself," He muttered madly and took her and put it under the water flow, but soon realized his words when she didn't even utter a word, but tears were flowing from her eyes like rivers.

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