~Chapter 22~

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I look at Ace blushing and wide eyed.. "what-t?" "Sail with me Y/N and we'll sail through the grand line together!" He grins to me.. "Oi! She would never you damn burnt out match!" I sweatdrop to Sanji but smile a little to Ace.. "I suppose it wouldn't be bad to sail with you.. but do you even have a boat?" Ace was about to say something but shut himself up seeing Marco narrow his eyes to him making me deadpan "you don't have one and yet you ask me this now.." I sighed.. Ace chuckles slightly rubbing the back of his neck "well when we do get one please??" He gives me puppy eyes making myself giggle "I'll think about it Ace" he grins and hugs me making myself flustered "your gonna not regret it once you sail with us Y/N!" He lets go walking over to Luffy while I was red faced with smoke coming off me with a stupid smile

3rd POV

Nami and Robin giggle while Sanji growls at Ace from afar "ah young love such a wonder to see.. oh but if I had eyes I wouldn't be dead! Yohohohoho!" Zoro rolls his eye while ussop and chopper shake Y/N to snap her out of her flustered love struck state.. once they stopped she nose bled falling backwards making chopper shriek "Y/N!!" Chopper rushes to her aid while Ace tilts his head confused "was it something I said?" Luffy smiles laughing "shishishi! I don't know but I'm hungry Sanji!-" Sanji kicks Luffy's head "I'm already going you shitty captain!!" He yells with shark like teeth

Once Y/N was better and dinner was done Ace and Luffy were chowing down making Nami look at them in disgust "eat with manners you animals!" Luffy only tilts his head with Ace to Nami making her growl.. Y/N finishes hers before Sanji twirls over with a plate of cake "have some dessert Y/N-chwan!~" "aw thanks Sanji" Y/N smiles and starts eating the slice of cake.. "it's so delicious Sanji!" Sanji gets heart eyes holding his hands where his heart is "hai!~ Such a goddess I've been complimented by!~" Zoro chugs some saké rolling his eye "Oi shut up your making my booze soft." "Oi!? The hell do you mean by that moss head!?" Y/N sweatdrops before going back to the slice of cake "ooo Y/N c-" "no! It's hers you damn glutton!" Sanji yelled after snapping his head over from arguing with Zoro and continued bickering with him..

Luffy pouts before simply chowing down again his food, "Y/N if you would ever want to.. would you want a devil fruit?" Ace questions making her almost choke on her smoothie Sanji made "eh-h?" "Oo Y/N you should get one!" Luffy says with stars around him and as his eyes "devil fruits are a blessing to some while to others their not so blessed Luffy.. if should have one she would lose her ability to swim and how would that fit with her fishmen blood?"  Y/N's eyes look away knowing Robin was right but she did want to get one.. she told shanks too while back at her old home.. "well.." some look over to Y/N.. "if I were to find one I would like to eat it just.. it can't be a random one besides if it were something not useful at all then what's the point of eating one if you don't know what your getting into.."

Robin smiles "well said Y/N and you have a point in some ways our devil fruit kinda suits ourselves when you think of it" Nami glares at Luffy "yeah.." luffy only grins making her look back not surprised by Luffy and his anymore.. "which one would you want though? There's many different devil fruits around the seas and world" "I was thinking about it.. maybe something to help my heritage or something different.. but I'm not entirely sure.." "well you have time to think on it" Robin said with a closed eye smile and getting Y/N to smile back after finishing her cable slice

"Y/N I was wondering but.. if we could.. would be aloud to sail to your old home island ?" Y/N's eyes widen slightly to Robin "why?.." "well it would find out what and who you are.. though we don't have to-" "you can.." everyone looks to Y/N surprised "really?" Y/N nods to nami "besides you all need to see what transpired there.." Luffy grins "and hopefully more to eat!-" "you just ate!!" Nami and Sanji yelled.. Ace pats her head smiling "your starting to come out of your comfort more by the days Y/N" Y/N blushes to Ace "really-y?" "Yeah!" He laughs making her smile while Marco smirks shaking his head


Y/N was looking out at the sea while they sailed from the island with Marco and Ace on the ship with them.. "I wonder how the others are doing.." "well law-yoi is a decent man I will admit while the others I can't say" Marco says in thought.. "he was.. a bit nice when with you.. but maybe he likes you Y/N!" Y/N looks to Luffy confused "likes me?" "Yeah! As a friend! He usually is grumpy" Luffy laughs making many sweatdrop "I thought he usually was?" "He is but it took time for him to have patience with some of us" Robin exclaimed while Y/N tilt her head cutely making Sanji heart eyed and Ace chuckling with blush "huh..well with his serious he is he must be okay then?.." Robin giggles nodding "yes I'm sure he's fine Y/N"


"Captain!" Yasopp pants after running to his captain "Hawkeye-e is calling!" The red haired grinned taking the den den mushi and answers "yes?~" the den den mushi's eyes go to yellow hawk eyed ones with mihawk's facial expressionless face and facial hair "you better be grateful red hair that I heard some things." Shanks raises an eyebrow to mihawk "eh?" "I hear that the strawhats just sailed from an island.." "ha? Really?" "Yes.. and they had possibly Y/N with them.. i was right before the marines showed up too" shanks laughs "well that's great! She managed to show up.. well thanks but your never the type to do this?" He smirked making mihawk roll his eyes copied by the den den mushi..

"She got my interest is all I'll say." "What afraid to admit you like her as your ow-" mihawk hanged up making the den den mushi go to normal and shanks laughing..

Back to the strawhats..

Y/N narrows her eyes before they go wide "uh.. what's that?" Nami looks where Y/N was and groans "oh god damn it! Everyone get ready marines are behind us!"

!To be continued!

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