~Chapter 26~

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I was now just walking around with Ace,Luffy and sanji exploring but I couldn't shake off what lunar said to me..

"Don't trust mr valin..he's dangerous and manipulative. He would have you around his fingers in seconds of being around him."

"Y/N?" I flinch looking to Luffy "Yeah?-?" "You Alright? You've been a chicken after following that blue guy" I bit my lip and sighed "it's nothing.." "you sure.." Ace asked raising an eyebrow.. "yeah..besides he just gave me some..advice.." Sanji raises his curly eyebrow to me "for what?" I wanted to tell them but I didn't wanna get them so protective and ready to swing at anyone.. "w-" "Y/N-ya" I flinch looking to see law behind us with a white bear?.. "captain I d-" "omg he's so cute!" I leap hugging the bear smiling with sparkles around my aura self with the others sweatdroping..

"I-" "bepo this is Y/N-ya.." "your so fluffy!!" I said making bepo hug myself back.. what I didn't notice was the jealous looks Sanji, Law and Ace had to bepo making him shake slightly "you okay bepo?" "Huh-h yeah just I remembered penguin-n wanted me to go get food for him bye captain!!" He runs off leaving me confused and pout.. "fluffy bepo.." I whined making Luffy laugh "come on Y/N-ya" I yelp to him grabbing my hand walking me and him in front of the others..  "Oi! The hell are you doing Law!?" Sanji growled rushing after and soon the other two..

I was walking a little behind them after walking around for almost an hour and yelp to someone grabbing my hand making the others look over "Well well~ what do we have here?~" I look over and raise an eyebrow.. he was a male and pink haired with a tail?.. "Oi! Let her go bastard!" He grins with his canines and laughs "oh I didn't mean any harm! Just wanting to welcome the new comers is all!" I think back to what lunar said and forced a smile "wow..must be..lucky to live here" he laughs with his tail swaying behind him.. "and I'm lucky to be in your presence.." he kisses my hand's knuckles making me nervous more..

"What's with..everyone being so busy-y?" He gives me a grin.. "well for the event of course!" I already knew about this from lunar but he just seemed like he was acting.. it was to happy.. "for what" Law asked from behind me "well for the return of the arena!" Luffy grins to the man "really!?" "Well of course without it, it just looks plain and just odd here" he said with a tongue flick.. "what's your name.." I asked a bit weary "mr. valin my darling~" he cooed but i slightly go wide eyed.. he was lunars partner!?.. "valin..?" "Yes?~" "what prize is being given to who wins?.." he had a glint in his eyes appear under the dark shades of crimson red.. "well my darling, that's a secret~ besides I'm running it with my acquaintance!" I back up a bit forcing a smile.. while inside I was going crazy wanting to run.. "really-y? Wow.." he nods with a hum "say~ why don't you sign up! It's very fun~" he said getting close to me.. "well-l.."

He raises an eyebrow with a smile.. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt.." he then flashed a toothy grin with his canines and hugged me.. "well that's splendid! Just head to the arena and sign up! I can't wait to see you in battle my dear~" he smirks before walking off.. I let out a breath I held before ace hugs me immediately "that damn lizard thing! How dare he touch my Y/N-chwan!" "You okay Y/N?.." I only shook my head no.. "what's wrong?" Law walks over glaring as the figure of valin disappears.. "that guy I followed..said we shouldn't trust him-m.." "why not?" "He's dangerous Luffy.. from the looks of it he's checking us out possibly.." Law only scoffs "well from what we saw he was checking you out Y/N-ya." I shivered with disgust "I'd rather not date someone like him.. he's faking his emotions possibly from how his tone was.." "really?" "Yeah he sounded to happy and just flirting too much.." Ace grumbles burying his face in my head making myself flustered and not seeing laws jealous look..

"Don't worry we're here to protect you Y/N!" Luffy grins making me smile a little.. "you sure you wanna fight in that damned arena.." Sanji asked with a exhale of his cigarette.. "I'm sure..besides if he's planning something it'll cost the town and us included." I said serious.. "well what are we waiting for let's go!!"

Timeskip and 3rd POV

It's been two hours and now the arena was filled including the two crew's besides Marco and Ace.. Y/N was dressed in the blue half shirted tank top and dark purple shorts and her classic trade mark boots.. she also had jihi with her Incase things get ugly..

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Are you ready for the best event of your lives!!" Valin yelled out while in his quarters above everyone and the battle field.. everyone screams out and cheers ready for the fights.. his tail flicks as his eyes look over to his partner lunar.. Valin grins to lunar with his ear flicking.. "and now! For the prize reveal!!"

It made everyone pay attention and Y/N while under the arena to the small projection in her battle room quarters..

Lunar walks up with a small chest in his grasp to where the den den mushi is located recording everything.. he opens the chest looking at the 'prize' in regret.. he wished he never found this nor agreed to valin.. but he sucks it up and places it onto the pillow making everyone gasp and Y/N wide eyed..

!To Be Continued!

For the fighters facing Y/N you may comment some of your characters if you'd like! Plus I'm just running on a sliver of inspiration left TwT so please if you have ideas of a fighter against her comment them! ^^

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