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⚠️ Trigger warning: mentions abuse, self harm, torture⚠️


She rode on her horse, as the wind whip around her, feeling free again, from everything. She had arrived late last night, and spent the following hours, breaking down and crying. It wasn't until the first rays of sunlight, did she fall asleep on the floor of her living room. After a few hours of sleep, she woke up, showered and had something to eat before seeing to the horses. Here at her home, she didn't have to wear the mask or contacts. Her closest neighbours were a couple of miles in each direction. She made sure when she bought the house, that she expanded the land around it.

She had a construction company work on the barn and stables, wanting them to be the best, for the horses she rescued. She would in time get more animals, but for now, the three horses she had were enough. She paid one of her neighbours well, to take care of them for her.

Her horse, Silver, began to slow to a canter, and she brought him to a slower pace, letting him take a break. Her mind was on the memories of her old life, when she knew Clint. All their talks, their dreams of their futures, this was one they shared.

To have a home, with plenty of land, with a family, surrounded by rescued animals. She smiled, imagining that life they would've had together.

Night had begun to fall, so she turned Silver around, and began the walk back home... 'I missed you boy..'.. She stroked a hand down his neck, and he nickered at her touch, as though he wasn't happy she was gone for so long... 'I missed Bonnie and Jessie too, but you most of all, just don't tell them..'.. She giggled, patting his neck... 'When we get back, I have a bag of apples for you..'.. He made a happy noise and she laughed.


Clint looked over at the house, seeing that the only light on was for the porch. The house looked exactly like they had talked about, and he couldn't help but smile. There were lights on in the stables, so he assumed she would be there.

'It looks amazing..'.. Nat said, smiling across at him... 'I remember you telling me about your dream house. It's so you..'

'Shes going to hate me, isn't she?..'.. Bucky sighed, and Steve's hand gave his a squeeze.

'We've shown up at her home, she's going to hate us all, but I wouldn't worry about it..'.. Steve tried to joke about the situation, but no one was laughing.

'Smooth Rogers, real smooth..'.. Nat shook her head at him... 'So, what do we do? Considering she's smarter than Tony, she may have a security system in place here..'

'No..'.. Clint said, looking over the land... 'No, The Tessa I knew, wanted to be off the grid just, enjoying the land, nature. I'd be surprised if she has a tv inside..'

'The stables seem like the best bet as to where she could be. Do you want us to wait here?..'.. Steve asked him.

'Yeah. It's best if I go first. If anything happens, I'll let you know..'.. Clint sighed, walking towards the stables.

He walked in, not hearing anything but saw two horses in their pens. He couldn't help but smile, seeing one that was black, with a white patch down its nose. He walked over, stoking the horse and the other huffed, as though jealous of not getting attention. He chuckled, walking to that one, and giving them a fuss. He saw their names on the doors, 'bonnie' and 'jessie'. He caught another name next to jessie, 'silver' and he knew, without a doubt, this was definitely Tessa.

He could hear a voice, and turned, seeing her walk in with a grey horse. She hadn't seen him yet, but he could hear her talking to the horse.

'Im being stupid, aren't I? Matt says I should tell them, and I will, but..'.. She sighed... 'I have to stop Hydra first. I have to protect him, protect them all. They're his family, and I don't want him hurt..'

His heart was racing, he couldn't quite see her face, but hearing her talk, he guessed it was about him. Even now, she was still trying to protect him. He didn't understand what he ever did, to deserve such loyalty.

He took a step back, but knocked into one of the doors, causing it to rattle and she spun to him. He saw her, even from where he stood, he could see her beautiful green eyes that he missed so much. His gaze roamed over her face, seeing the scar on her cheek, and her neck. He saw her hands come up to cover her face and he took a few steps forward.

'Im sorry..'.. He raised a hand as she peeked out from behind her fingers, turning her back to him.

'What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even know I wa-..'.. She growled in frustration... 'Fucking Murdock! Oh he is so getting his ass beat when I get back! He told you didn't he?..'

'He gave us a drive..'.. Clint said, taking a few more steps towards her. The grey horse nickered and jerked his head to Clint, stamping his foot.

'Its ok buddy, it's ok. I'm here, he's not going to hurt me, I promise..'.. Clint heard her voice soft, comforting the horse as she began to undo the saddle... 'So you're here, because what? You feel guilty? Remorse? Had to prove Barnes point?..'

'Im here for you Tess..'.. He said, but she spun to him, her face full of anger as her fists clenched at her sides.

'Tess died, a long time ago, as did Ace. Happy now? I'm not them, not anymore. I'm Melody Bird..'..

'Im sorry, Mel. I'm sorry..'.. He sighed, dropping his hands... 'Tony never got past the first video, he said he couldn't. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I should have stayed with you, it should've been me..'

'Dont you dare!..'.. She quickly finished with the horse, putting him in his pen before marching over to Clint... 'Dont you ever say that again! I chose to go back, I knew what they would do. If they focused on me, then you had the chance to get away. So don't ever say it should've been you! I didn't go through all that, just for you to stand there, pitying me!..'

'What do you want me to say? I went back for you, only to hear that you had apparently killed yourself by jumping off a bridge. The others were gone. And when I joined SHIELD, I did everything I could to find out information about you, if you did die. I needed to know..'.. He shouted back... 'For this past year, you've known and you didn't come find me, tell me. And these past few weeks? What the fuck Tess!..'

She shoved him back, again and again... 'Im. Not. Tess!..'.. She couldn't stop the tears... 'They beat her! Broke her! Abused her!..'.. She pounded his chest with her fists... 'They wanted you, but she never gave in, never told them. They killed her that night!..'.. She dropped in his arms, and he lowered her to the floor... 'They killed me..'.. She broke down, sobbing.

Clint held her tight in his arms, trying to comfort her. He looked up, seeing the other three by the doors, watching them both... 'Im so sorry, I'm sorry for everything. Why did you go back? Why would you do that?..'

'Because she loved you. You were her home. I know Tess would go through it all again, knowing you survived, that you were safe..'.. She said, taking a deep breath... 'He knows the truth too, doesn't he?..'.. He saw her gesture towards the doors, where the others were.

'Yeah, he does..'.. Clint looked down at her and she moved from his arms, shuffling away from him, and she wiped her face.

'I don't know about you lot, but I'm in serious need for a drink. I have plenty of room at the house if you want to stay the night..'.. She got to her feet, brushing her hands on her jeans... 'Lets go..'.. She sighed, not looking at anyone as she strode past them and out the door... 'Lock it up and switch the lights off will you..'.. She called back at them.


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