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Clint wondered what the hell was going on. He thought the lawyer was blind, but fought like he wasn't. He looked around the room again, having no idea where he was.

'My penthouse, and yes he is definitely blind..'.. She walked over, smiling at the two of them as Murdock got up off the floor... 'Just needed to let off some steam is all, and Matt can fight pretty well for a blind guy..'

'You just wanted to roll around with me, admit it..'.. Clint ground his teeth, as Murdock made his way over, smirking. He stopped next to Mel, putting an arm around her back.

'You tell yourself whatever you want Matt..'.. She patted his cheek... 'Now, we have some business to discuss, so Loki if you don't mind retrieving the other one for me, I would appreciate it..'

Clint rolled his eyes. She certainly had Loki under her thumb already, as he disappeared... 'Let's go gentlemen..'.. She walked past the two of them and out a door.

'Trust me, you want to know..'.. Clint felt Murdock clap him on the back, before he headed for the door, and Clint huffed, following after him.

'How do you know where to go if you're blind?..'.. His question earned a chuckled from Murdock.

'I've been here enough times to know my way around. I take it you know who it is now?..'.. Murdock asked him, as they walked down a hallway, into a large open space. There was a kitchen in the left corner, dining table near the large windows, and off to the right, a lounge area.

Clint saw the dark skyline through the windows, the old tower winking at him in the distance... 'Fury seems to think its you..'

'Good, that's what I wanted..'.. Clint looked over, seeing her at the kitchen island, pouring drinks... 'Please, have a seat..'.. She gestured to the couch, and Clint sighed, wondering what this was about.

'Fuck me sideways and call me Beatrice..'.. Clint had just sat down when he heard a man's voice, and he turned, seeing the man dressed casually, as he looked out the window, and Loki shook his head, amused.

'Nice to see you too Wade..'.. Mel smiled, carrying tray that held drinks over to the coffee table... 'Now sit your ass down..'

'Ooh I love it when you go all mommy mistress, if I don't will you spank me? Peg me? ..'.. The one she called Wade grinned at her, but moved to sit on the large couch at the end, Loki between him and Murdock.

'Oh Wade..'.. Clint watched as she licked her lips, sauntering over to him, and dropping down hard onto his lap. By the groan he gave out, she hit him in the balls... 'We both know, you could never handle me, right?..'.. She had gripped his chin tight, making him look at her.

'Right, sorry. Rein in the sexual commentary..'.. Wade whined out, and she got up, moving to stand in front of the four of them.

'Now then gentlemen, please have a drink..'.. She gestured to the tray... 'You all now know what Fury wants, and Hydra are rebuilding fast, no matter how many bases I take down. So, to protect Barton, I've drawn attention to myself and Matt, a fake engagement..'

Clints head whipped between the two of them, but he didn't say anything... 'Tomorrow, we will be out in public, showing off my ring, and knowing Fury, he will undoubtedly have surveillance in Matts apartment. Barton..'.. She looked at him... 'I'm giving you two choices here, the first being that you will be in Matts place instead, wearing a nanomask, so I know that you're with me..'

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