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Clint shook his head, feeling as though she was going to burst if she didn't say it. He turned his head, looking out the window, sighing... 'Go ahead..'

'I told you from the start this was a stupid idea..'.. Maria glanced over at him as she drove... 'You said it was one date, one. And now, apparently we're in a relationship. That's just..'.. She huffed out a laugh... 'You're the one that put us in this, so you need to sort it out..'

'I know Hill, I know..'.. He dropped his forehead to the window, closing his eyes. He felt like a complete asshole over it all. He had told the team he was dating Hill to get them all to back off with the questioning, and asked her to play along. He had never meant for it to get out of hand... 'Shes going to hate me, isn't she?..'

'I barely know the woman, so I don't know. But you screwed things up for me. I was going to make my move until you opened your damn mouth..'.. She tapped her fingers on the wheel, letting out a sigh of disappointment... 'I hope I haven't missed my shot, or I'll shoot you myself..'

Clint turned his head to her as she drove, seeing she was irritated with him... 'Tell you what, I'll let them all know the truth, and if you miss your shot, I'll let you shoot me..'

'Id shoot you anyway. Permission not needed..'.. She gave him a side look and a smile... 'Shes back Barton, and honestly, four months to get over a lifetime of shit like that, wherever she was, it clearly helped..'

'Asgard. She was with Thor and Loki..'.. He looked ahead, seeing that they were turning into the street for her bar... 'She took back her name, Tess. Tessa Melody Barnes, that's what Nat said..'

Hill pulled over outside the bar, and unclipped herself... 'Clearly that means something, only problem is, you don't know what. Where the hell were you anyway?..'

'I was already travelling back from her place in Colorado..'.. Clint ran a hand over his face... 'Murdock told me what she wanted to do with it, so that's where I've been..'

'Wait, hold up..'.. Hill shifted in her seat sideways, confused... 'So, you've been telling people that we're dating, and that's why they've hardly seen you, when actually you were at her place? I fail to see where the logic is..'

'I panicked alright..'.. He threw his hands up... 'I don't know why I did it, but I knew that if they had known I was there, they would come her to place...'.. He sighed, looking over at the bar... 'Thats her home, her safe place and I didn't want anyone else there. I didn't know if she would turn up or not, but I didn't want anyone else traipsing around. I've been taking care of her animals, her house and the land..'

'If that isn't the biggest I love you, I don't know what is..'.. Hill shook her head... 'She came back earlier, right?..' Clint nodded, and turned to her... 'Clearly she hasn't gone home yet. She went to the compound first, and I'm taking a wild guess here..'.. Hills tone was laced with sarcasm... 'She came by to see you. And then went back to those who feel more like her family..'... She gestured to the bar... 'Just tell the truth..'

She got out of the car, and waited for him to do the same. Once he was out, she locked it and headed for the door. Clint knocked, and a few seconds later it opened, and he could hear music and laughter, floating out. Stepping in with Hill, he looked around, seeing the team, her girls and a few other familiar faces.

'Hey..'.. He turned, seeing Nat walk over to them both... 'You're here..'.. She hugged him, and whispered... 'She knows about you two..'.. She stepped back and then hugged Hill.

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