Mistake Two - Making New Friends

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Sitting by Luz wasn't bad, to be honest.

Not that Cameron had expected it to be, he would have honestly been grateful if his tablemate had good hygiene and didn't completely hate him; but Luz was friendly and smart, and Cameron found him fun to be around. He was easy to talk to, and while it took a couple of weeks to get a conversation going completely, he felt like he could talk to Luz easier than anyone else.

It had started small, of course. Cameron commented on the drawings within Luz's notebook, noting how talented and well-drawn he thought they were. Then came casual greetings every time they walked into class, with stunted but pleasant small talk. Soon friendly banter started between them, and Cameron felt he could refer to Luz as more than a classmate and as a friend.

And thankfully, it seemed like Luz felt the same about him. Or at least, he hoped. He would smile back whenever Cameron smiled at him, maybe just politeness? He laughed at all of his jokes, but maybe it was a fake laugh that Cameron couldn't discern without knowing him better. And they talked a lot during class, but Luz seemed to ignore him out in the hallways. Which was strange, since he never seemed to be hanging out with anyone when Cameron passed him by.

Maybe something was wrong with him? Was he too pushy? Did his awkward demeanor cause Luz to think he was weird? Maybe it was his hygiene, maybe he smelled, or his messy hair was too messy to look good to someone like Luz. 

And if not, what was it?  

Maybe there was something in his teeth? Maybe he spoke too loudly? Or could he mumble and be hard to hear? Did he come off as pretentious with his constant studying and frankly obsessive relationship with grades? Did he talk too much about himself, like a selfish asshole? Or maybe as too many questions, like a gross, disgusting creep? Maybe Luz could tell that he was--?

"--ey." Luz grinned as he sat down next to Cameron.

"Hey!" He responded, a grin growing across his face as he turned to look at him.

"You good? You were like, completely out of it when I walked in. Usually, you wave or smile or sum." Luz sounded casual in his tone, but Cameron could tell there was some genuine concern behind his teasing. Right?

"Oh yeah! I'm fine, just zoned out for a second. I just have a lot on my mind."

Luz's face relaxed for a second, before he squinted, studying Cameron's face. Then he suddenly moved in a couple of inches from Cameron's face, scrunching his lips and eyebrows in a judgemental expression.

"Look, man, if you're taking anything you can tell me." He said flatly.

"What??" Cameron exclaimed, jumping back slightly in surprise. 

"Like I understand-"

"I'm not!"

"School anxieties can be handled in other manners-"

"I know!"

"And I know shit like Angel Dust is available in these parts, but--"

"I'M NOT-!!" Cameron cried out, then in a softer tone he hissed, "I'm not doing drugs!"

Luz suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, leaning back, a smirk contorted on his face. "I'm messing with you, Cameron! I know you aren't doing drugs."

"Oh thank god."

"Unless you are."


"Fine, fine."

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